A DIY tutorial for a puppet that moves and wiggles just like a snake to celebrate the Chinese New Year and The Year of the Snake.
Keeping the kids busy during holiday break? A calendar at a glance for this upcoming new year is productive and fun! Just use our free printable and tutorial.
Here we are turning the page on another year. How about we turn the page on a printable flip calendar your kids can make with their own hands? It's little mini calendar with cute drawings drawn by them.
Make your holiday letter a little more realistic this year with these (not very serious) tips!
Minecraft Creepers attack your green pumpkins to create the coolest jack o' lanterns for Halloween or Minecraft parties. We've created a pumpkin carving template for you!
Fall is here and so it's time for fall baking! These apple muffins are mostly healthy and make a great breakfast to start the day.
For Rosh Hashanah this year, we're making some little bee cards since apples and honey are customary to eat to symbolize a sweet new year. Bees on honeycomb would be just the thing!
Did you know it is customary to send out cards for Rosh Hashanah wishing your friends and loved ones a sweet new year? Here's a tutorial for creating your own unique Rosh Hashanah cards.
Rosh Hashanah is approaching and the shofar horn delights kids. Help your child make one easily.
Looking for a last-minute Father's Day gift? Here are some fun printable coupons that you can print out at home and assemble into a thoughtful DIY gift.
For Father's Day here's a printable for a simple photo card with a few handwritten memories straight from the mouths of babes. It's a time-capsule gift from today that dads will treasure forever.
Show the graduate how much you care by gifting them with this fab flower bouquet with congratulatory notes and if you've got it, some rolled-up cash, too! We show you how to make your own. Easy peasy.
Nothing warms up the family on a cold day like a hearty chili, but why stick to the standard? These three recipes are all very different and super delicious.
Help! My toddler is highly distracted at dinnertime and will only eat for 10 minutes unless I can entertain them. I think that's a bad habit to establish. Suggestions?
A toddler starts rejecting more foods from her mom's dinner repertoire. Is this normal and how can she get her young child's diet back on track?
Are nutritious and joint family dinners possible when both parents have busy work schedules and your toddler has an early bedtime?
Teach your kids to make tacos with vegetarian, chicken or beef fillings. It's a great dish for a kid to know how to make before leaving home.
Wondering which meal kit delivery service might be right for your family? An experienced family cook (of picky teens) tried most of them and gives you the 411.
Have you ever come across a recipe and thought, "no way will my kid eat that," made it anyway, and then found a miraculous, inexplicable hit on your hands? This is one of those recipes.
Amalah shows you how to make your own nuggets for kids that are not only packed with vitamins and low in sodium, but are less expensive than the store-bought version as well.
Ready for a tantalizing array of taco recipes to help get you through Election Night? I'm here for you with some of my favorites.
It's easy to get into a habit of BLTs (bites, licks and tastes) and consuming many unwanted calories while we prepare our children's dinner. Here's how to stop.
Turning 45 forced me to accept that ominous "middle age" label, and to think about what matters to me now (and what has changed over time).
A mom wants to know what she should expect as typical behavior and expectations from her toddler when eating out at a restaurant. Amalah chimes in with effective strategies for a good overall experience, as well.
After months of sheltering in place, my family of four recently found a change of scenery at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort in San Antonio, Texas. We spent some days working, attending remote school, and having fun (safely), too.
Looking for a family vacation this summer? This resort in the Colorado Rockies is driving distance from many cities and is set up for social distancing.
We hit our favorite affordable and family-friendly resort in the Colorado Rockies but during the beginning of winter this time. It's just as much fun and there's plenty of activities for the teens.
London has no shortage of things to do, but because I was there with teenagers we're highlighting activities, landmarks and restaurants that older kids may enjoy.
Ideas for enjoying Disney World more and stressing less when visiting with your kids, from a huge Disney fan and annual visitor.
Suggestions for what to do in Chicago with tweens/teens. It's walkable, there are plenty of activities, and the pizza/hotdog/steak restaurant game is strong.
When heading out for your family trip this summer, be sure to pack your swimsuit, your books, and your expectations. That’ll make it a good trip for everyone.
We visited the Woodloch Pines Resort in the Poconos area of Pennsylvania and share how it's a fun all-weather resort for families with kids of all ages.
Looking to keep your kids (ages 4 to 10) entertained while also using their imagination? Check out the new storytelling Circle Round podcast.
Headed to the gorgeous Zion National Park? Check out this family-friendly resort. Zion Ponderosa has lodging and activities to suit every taste and budget.
Best secrets from the road. What you must know before you do a family road trip with your kids from a mom who' been there and done that.
The Regency Hyatt Hill Country Resort and Spa in Texas (with 5 acres of water fun!) is perfect for families who want to spend some time together, and some time apart.
Tired of homemade menorahs and popsicle-stick Star-of-Davids? Here's something new and fun to do with your children during Hanukkah. Make a happy little Hanukkah Village out of raisin boxes!
Use our free printable ombre dreidel for decoration for play. Happy Hanukkah!
Here's a fun Menorah craft you can make without a real flame in sight! This is great for a teachable tool or a toy children can play with.
The holidays are upon us! Don't go out in the cold to shop for holiday wrap, just print out these gift tags, small enclosure cards and wine bottle hangers.
Who doesn’t love to play with rubber stamps? The problem is they can be pricey and it’s tough to find the perfect design. So, we teach you how to make our own.
A fun and no-fire craft to celebrate Hanukkah with the littlest of children.
We created two free printable calendars customizable to reflect your family's own celebration of the holidays. One calendar is a gingerbread house with 24 days to count down until Xmas and the other calendar is a winter village with eight window openings to celebrate the days of Hanukkah. Enjoy!
We share four toys we think you should avoid buying your kids this holiday season.
Families typically celebrate the eight nights of Hanukkah with shared meals, often latkes are part of the meal, small gifts and dreidel games.
Homework can be hard on families and we can all benefit from been-there-done-that advice and should be open to learning about new helpful resources, too.
Ah, homework. It can be the bane of your existence. It may be your nightly battle. Here we tackle finding the balance between helping your children accomplish their responsibilities and fostering independence.
Power struggles with your teen may feel inevitable, but when you add homework issues to the mix, is there any hope for peace and productivity? I say yes.
Homework doesn't have to be a battleground in your home; keep in mind a few simple rules for a practical approach and peace can indeed coincide with homework!
With my teens sharing a class for the first time, the inevitable comparisons are making me wonder how I can coax the best out of each of them.
A mom needs help teaching her child effective homework skills, especially when there are younger ones around whose homework is to distract their older sibling.
Apparently I'm not the only parent alone in my sentiment of being mystified by grade school math. Here's how to help your grade schooler without having to go back-to-school yourself.
There has been plenty of research that points out how homework isn't really helping anyone. Let's discuss.
How do you make better use of family time during the school year to keep things feeling light instead of hurried? New habits and purposeful plans are key.
Back to school is here! We have some tips to help you start the school year off right and keep things running smoothly throughout the year.
What if the tables were turned and you were going to get graded on your child's report card on your parenting? How do you think you would do?
If you're looking to find the balance between helping too much and teaching them to be successful on their own, this list of homework rules is for you.