Same Room, Different Schedules
A mom is thinking of having her sons share bedrooms but is concerned about their different morning wake-up schedules and routines. We have some advice.
A mom is thinking of having her sons share bedrooms but is concerned about their different morning wake-up schedules and routines. We have some advice.
What do you do when your kid refuses to wear a pull-up to bed but is not nighttime potty-trained just yet? We have some advice.
Young sisters fall asleep curled up together on one twin bed and the mom needs advice on planning for a bed upgrade though she doesn’t want to spoil the current sleeping arrangement. We have practical advice for her.
A mom has kept her young kids separate at night but that’s not convenient or economical when on vacation or visiting family. She’s looking for practical advice on introducing the siblings to bedroom sharing.
How to talk to young kids about death and grief in an age-appropriate manner. We provide a sample script as well as an excellent book recommendation that can grow with your family.
Applying the Satter Method to common real life feeding situations with kids. Amalah answers your questions.
A young preschooler is afraid to use the potty at preschool so Amalah gives advice on playing Parent Detective.
There’s four weeks left before school starts and a WAHM needs childcare advice because, SUMMER.
A reader asks for help in coaching kids to speak out against racism and other issues at school in a succinct way.
A reader fears she screwed up by letting her son wear non-gender-conforming clothing outside the house. I thinks he needs to cut herself some slack.
A mom to a kindergartner is asking whether she needs to start talking to her kids about current events now that her child has started school?
A child has always eaten very little but now he’s fallen off the growth charts and isn’t keeping up physically and socially with his peers. What should the mom do when her pediatrician insists everything is “fine”?
What to do when your kid knows how to tie his/her shoes but chooses to not retie them. Is it a battle worth fighting or do you let it go?
What do you do when a toddler over two years old has been throwing objects and hitting for over six months now?
How do you talk to young children about the topic of death? Is it best handled as a sit-down serious discussion, or should questions be answered as they come up?
A mom needs some guidance on the type of television programming and movies she should allow for her preschooler son during the developmental phase while he’s fascinated with “bad guys.”
How do you teach your kid how to tie their shoes?
What do you do if your three year old just won’t sit on the potty when you want to toilet-train her for preschool in September, when she’ll be four already?
Parents have gone back to work after their paternity and maternity leaves and are concerned that their older toddler daughter is too aggressive with her new sibling and has been generally too defiant. Is this new behavior something to be concerned about or typical given the changes at home?
A mom wants to start a behavior reward chart for her toddler with whom she’s been working on staying in her own bed all night. At what age do you start one and how do you begin?