Potty Training Wars: Breaking the Diaper Dependence
A parent is struggling with a potty training problem. They’re in a power struggle over their toddler’s dependence on holding onto a diaper while using the toilet.
A parent is struggling with a potty training problem. They’re in a power struggle over their toddler’s dependence on holding onto a diaper while using the toilet.
A frustrated mom needs advice on helping with her now whiny, screechy, grabby, and TOTALLY NORMALLY BEHAVING one-year-old. We have recommendations.
A mom needs help now that her preschooler’s behavior has started to deteriorate. Is this the beginning of a serious problem? How can she help her child here? We have some advice.
A mom has needs more ideas after trying lots of ideas to prevent him from quickly melting down into epic tantrums.
My young child is an attention-seeking mess during the witching hour before dinner. I need help with this behavior issue.
A mom asks for advice about her husband who doesn’t help with their son and has difficulty when her toddler acts, well, like a toddler. She’s concerned about now and the future.
How does one handle the unwarranted comments and advice you get about your speech-delayed child? We have experience and thoughts.
A previously excellent sleeper now won’t go to bed for hours. What happened and what can be done to help this young child improve their sleep?
Our children have “lizard brains”? Actually we all do. Learn what that means and how to try to handle some common disruptive behaviors in children.
The pediatrician would like to put her three-year old son on SSRIs because of his aggressive behavior. Mom is conflicted since she because her son hasn’t had any behavioral assessment or therapy. She wants advice.
What do you do when a toddler over two years old has been throwing objects and hitting for over six months now?
A toddler has a hard time calming down and recovering from tantrums when asked to follow simple safety requests, rules and consequences.
A mom needs advice because her toddler persistently challenging behavior at home is causing for chronic unhappiness and stress for the entire family.
Parents have gone back to work after their paternity and maternity leaves and are concerned that their older toddler daughter is too aggressive with her new sibling and has been generally too defiant. Is this new behavior something to be concerned about or typical given the changes at home?
A mom needs help with her toddler’s bedtime routine. He’s great at stalling and she is concerned because he is at the point where he can climb out of his crib. What should she do?
A regular reader returns needing advice on how to help with her “easygoing” and “gifted” child who has suddenly been exhibiting disruptive and negative-attention seeking behaviors.
A mom of soon-to-be toddler needs guidance on the hows and whats to teach her young one with respect to listening and behavior.
Parents need advice on how to handle their extremely clingy toddler who gets incredibly upset if she’s not carried. Is this an emotional or behavioral reaction that she’s having?
A toddler is throwing temper tantrums in the car on the longish daily commute home from daycare and her mom wants to nip this in the bud for parenting and safety reasons.
Amalah uses a celebratory Advice Smackdown update for some self-reflection on our own hard-earned parenting achievements, as imperfectly won as they may have come.