All Talk, No Babble
Help! My toddler is very quiet and not even babbling. I am concerned that they should be evaluated sooner. Do you have advice?
Help! My toddler is very quiet and not even babbling. I am concerned that they should be evaluated sooner. Do you have advice?
Help! I think my toddler may be speech delayed. But also, we’re bilingual at home. How do I get them evaluated during the COVID-19 shutdowns? What can I do?
My young child’s eligibility/IEP determination meeting is coming up soon and I’m nervous they’re going to tell me she’s caught up enough and I’m still concerned. How do I pushback, but nicely?
How does one handle the unwarranted comments and advice you get about your speech-delayed child? We have experience and thoughts.
A young preschooler is afraid to use the potty at preschool so Amalah gives advice on playing Parent Detective.
A mom is getting increasingly more special needs diagnoses for her toddler and has been DIYing her therapies so far. She asks about the pros and cons of going through the Early Intervention process.
A mom is being told to have her toddler sent to a speech therapist but wants to understand the benefits of doing so first. Amalah has very strong opinions about this.
It’s often said that girls on the autism spectrum “present differently,” but what exactly does that mean? Today we’re looking at both generalities and a few hallmark specifics of how autistic girls are unlike their male counterparts.
Helping parents who are looking into special education preschool options for their speech-delayed child.
A mom thinks her baby may be speech-delayed. Should she be concerned? Or is she possibly overreacting?
My son is about to be evaluated for a speech delay and I’ve never felt so alone.
How to prepare yourself for another ride on the Early Intervention roller coaster.
How to get the most out of early intervention services.
“My daughter is speech delayed. So why is my family arguing with me about it?”
Teach your baby or toddler how to communicate with their hands. (It’s a huge hit at parties!)
Because freaking out and drinking heavily are surprisingly ineffective!
“But Einstein didn’t talk until he was three!” What to do when your child has a speech delay and your family thinks you’re an overzealous neurotic nut?