Three Tasty Alternative Chili Recipes (That Don’t Taste Like Alternatives)
Nothing warms up the family on a cold day like a hearty chili, but why stick to the standard? These three recipes are all very different and super delicious.
Nothing warms up the family on a cold day like a hearty chili, but why stick to the standard? These three recipes are all very different and super delicious.
Help! My toddler is highly distracted at dinnertime and will only eat for 10 minutes unless I can entertain them. I think that’s a bad habit to establish. Suggestions?
A toddler starts rejecting more foods from her mom’s dinner repertoire. Is this normal and how can she get her young child’s diet back on track?
Are nutritious and joint family dinners possible when both parents have busy work schedules and your toddler has an early bedtime?
Teach your kids to make tacos with vegetarian, chicken or beef fillings. It’s a great dish for a kid to know how to make before leaving home.
Wondering which meal kit delivery service might be right for your family? An experienced family cook (of picky teens) tried most of them and gives you the 411.
Have you ever come across a recipe and thought, “no way will my kid eat that,” made it anyway, and then found a miraculous, inexplicable hit on your hands? This is one of those recipes.
Amalah shows you how to make your own nuggets for kids that are not only packed with vitamins and low in sodium, but are less expensive than the store-bought version as well.
Ready for a tantalizing array of taco recipes to help get you through Election Night? I’m here for you with some of my favorites.
It’s easy to get into a habit of BLTs (bites, licks and tastes) and consuming many unwanted calories while we prepare our children’s dinner. Here’s how to stop.
Turning 45 forced me to accept that ominous “middle age” label, and to think about what matters to me now (and what has changed over time).
A mom wants to know what she should expect as typical behavior and expectations from her toddler when eating out at a restaurant. Amalah chimes in with effective strategies for a good overall experience, as well.
Feeding your family shouldn’t be a slog. Here’s my 10 commandments for getting dinner on the table with a minimum of drama on busy school nights.
A lifelong milk-lover shares why she chooses organic milk for her family and how she incorporates milk into her sons’ diets.
Here are some of my favorite simple, kid-friendly, 15-minute dinners for those days you are burnt out from spending hours by the pool or at the beach.
“Let’s try the Family Dinner Project idea with the kids, have a ‘real family discussion’ and see how it goes,” So last night, we did. And it was awesome.
A mom needs help breaking a bad mealtime habit with her toddler so she can have the healthy family dinner time they all deserve and need.
I like to cook and I work from home, so in theory family dinner should be my forte. Real life doesn’t always work out the way I plan, unfortunately.
My husband is a terrific (yet overly ambitious) cook. So we’re eating dinner at 9 p.m. — or even later. There’s got be a way to streamline the family dinner process!
A mom needs a realistic tactical plan for implementing Ellyn Satter’s feeding philosophy to family dinners.