The Final College Reminder: Failure Is Human (and Temporary)
Preparing your kid for college is more than shopping and packing and pep talks; they also need to know that if things are rough, it will still be okay.
Preparing your kid for college is more than shopping and packing and pep talks; they also need to know that if things are rough, it will still be okay.
Beyond the sheets and towels and desk lamps, there’s one must-have tool you can give to your college freshman before they leave: resilience.
Wonder Woman is receiving accolades all over media as this summer’s breakout film. If you’re thinking about taking your kids, well, read this (then go).
With the new series out on Hulu, I went back to read Margaret Atwood’s book again, and have suggestions for how to read it with your teen.
A teen writes in to ask how to best support a struggling friend who’s in treatment for an eating disorder and suicidal ideation.
Unsure about whether 13 Reasons Why on Netflix is okay for your teen? My teen and an educator help me break it down for parents who have concerns.
You thought your kid getting into college was the end of the decision-making, but now you have a whole new set of decisions to make! Like, college dining plans.
Is it okay for parents to change their rules when it comes to different siblings? And how do you deal with it when your kids cry, “That’s not fair!”
George Orwell’s 1984 was meant to be an exaggerated dystopian reality and a warning rather than a blueprint. Time to revisit it with your (older) kids.
Has a case of senioritis arrived at your house? Don’t wave it off; talk early and often about these last few months before graduation.
If you have a high school senior, chances are college acceptances and rejections are rolling in, and along with them, some angst. Don’t panic!
I thought I was ready for my college freshman to spend Winter Break with us, but I really had no idea what we were both in for, I guess.
Challenged when it comes to holiday shopping for your teen(s)? Consider a fun interactive experience instead. We make some suggestions.
There are a ton of game options for the younger and older crowds, but finding something in the middle of too babyish and too mature isn’t easy. But we found some great choices.
While we wait to hear from my son’s top-choice college, I’ve taken to a somewhat unconventional coping method.
Getting ready for your college freshman’s first (or first longer) return to home? There’s much for which to be thankful, starting with having a game plan.
I’m sure you’ve got costumes and how you feel about your own kid(s)’s Halloween activities under control, so let’s get to the important stuff: The candy.
As my youngest barrels through his senior year of high school right after my oldest, I’m reminded of what I love (and don’t) about this time of life.
Today is National Coming Out Day, and so I have some words of wisdom for parents with the help of my oldest.
It may only be early October, but if you find holiday shopping for a teen a monumental task, read this and relax a little. It’s okay!