Daycare Switches & Separation Anxiety
A very young child cries uncontrollably at his new daycare center and now his mom is feeling guilty about having transferred him there after having lost confidence in the previous one.
A very young child cries uncontrollably at his new daycare center and now his mom is feeling guilty about having transferred him there after having lost confidence in the previous one.
The pediatrician would like to put her three-year old son on SSRIs because of his aggressive behavior. Mom is conflicted since she because her son hasn’t had any behavioral assessment or therapy. She wants advice.
A toddler’s mom needs help approaching her daycare provider about helping her daughter respect her friends’ personal spaces.
Unsure about whether 13 Reasons Why on Netflix is okay for your teen? My teen and an educator help me break it down for parents who have concerns.
Meditation might just be the key to help some kids settle down and even get to sleep more quickly. Some schools are also seeing the benefits of meditation.
An expectant mom is right to be concerned about her soon-to-be-born infant being around her non-vaccinated preschooler nieces and nephews. What should she do?
A mom wants to prepare herself for when her “medium-aged” children start asking about SEX. She’s looking for books as good resources, and advice on approaching the topic with younger kids.
A toddler has been experiencing atypical separation anxiety since her first few weeks of life. Her mom is not satisfied with the answers she has received thus far. What should she do now?
Grandma was caught on tape losing her temper while watching her grandkids. A mom asks whether (and, if so, how) she should confront her very sensitive-to-criticism mom about the incident.
A mom is being told to have her toddler sent to a speech therapist but wants to understand the benefits of doing so first. Amalah has very strong opinions about this.
A cloth diapering mom is dealing with a yeast infection in her house. Amalah has experience and shares her been-there-done-that knowledge and tips.
A mom needs advice on dealing with a loving mother-in-law/grandmother who is overfeeding her child who is on a healthy plan via doctor’s orders.
Recent events in the news are enough to make a rational person want to secede from the human race. How can we make this a learning opportunity for our teens?
Has a new study REALLY established a link between swaddling and SIDS? Let’s ignore the scary headlines and take a deeper look.
A regular reader returns needing advice on how to help with her “easygoing” and “gifted” child who has suddenly been exhibiting disruptive and negative-attention seeking behaviors.
So you had to fire the nanny or sitter or leave the daycare suddenly. Do you just move on? Or do you write it up so other parents are informed?
Want your child to grow up with a healthy, realistic view of sexuality, and to wait until they’re really ready for intimacy? Read on.
A reader wants to know the value of putting a label on a struggling older child, or does it even matter? I have strong opinions on this one.
As my autistic son grows and matures, his awareness and coping skills grow, too. But I’m still grappling with his awareness (or lack thereof) when he’s sick.
Amalah explains the evolution of her change in personal opinion regarding her once safety-focused concern on lavender oil in children’s personal care products.