Pregnancy and COVID-19: What We Know (& a Few Things We Don’t)
We tackle the questions: Am I at higher risk for COVID-19 because I’m pregnant? What about my prenatal appointments? Should I change my Birth Plan? What about breastfeeding?
We tackle the questions: Am I at higher risk for COVID-19 because I’m pregnant? What about my prenatal appointments? Should I change my Birth Plan? What about breastfeeding?
A mom needs help getting her baby to sleep through the night and not dependent on falling asleep to breastfeeding since she’ll be weaning soon. We have been-there-done-that advice.
How to find breastfeeding advice and support immediately after giving birth and in the postpartum months without having to hire a lactation specialist.
A mom of a nine month old baby believes her baby has self-weaned but others say to keep trying to breastfeed. She’s frustrated and needs advice.
A mom needs help figuring out a new feeding schedule with her baby that no longer includes pumping but only breastfeeding and supplementing with formula.
My four-month-old baby is a great sleeper but is starting to need to be nursed back to sleep in the middle of the night. Am I setting up a bad sleep habit?
Amalah walks a mom through how to get an infant to back to sleep, in the middle of the night after a feeding, in that optimal drowsy state so the baby can fall asleep independently.
How to wean your toddler from breastfeeding when your child is not ready but you are.
A postpartum mom has a specific but common nursing bra style challenge. Amalah needs your insights and recommendations to help out this mom.
A nursing mother of a seven month old, who had a challenging time in the beginning, is worried about the future, when it comes time to wean even though she is not there yet with her baby.
An expectant mom needs help sorting out her toddler’s nap schedule without too much disruption especially before the new baby arrives. Which is basically any minute now.
I am trying to welcome this new phase. After 20 months of breastfeeding, letting go of the latch is both hard and good.
A mom of a four-month old baby needs help with starting to set a nap schedule with her daughter as well as getting her to fall asleep drowsy without nursing.
A mom needs help gently weaning her toddler son who can’t fall asleep without breastfeeding.
The mom of an infant is having a super hard time with her night wakings and she needs help establishing a healthy sleep plan for her baby daughter.
A FTM mom is not ready to wean her breastfed infant but needs a break from the non-stop nursing when she is home from her her part-time work. What are her options?
A new and breastfeeding mom is being food shamed by her husband for her increased appetite and postpartum body. She needs help on talking to him.
A new mom who is exclusively pumping is looking for advice on how to increase her breast milk production.
My weaned toddler likes to grab at my breasts. Is this typical toddler behavior or should I be concerned?
Midwives are telling this mom that she will probably have difficulty breastfeeding post an elective c-section. She wants to know if that’s true?