Grieving the Breastfeeding Relationship That Never Was
This new and first-time mother is upset and sad because her breastfeeding relationship with her baby has come to an end sooner than she expected.
This new and first-time mother is upset and sad because her breastfeeding relationship with her baby has come to an end sooner than she expected.
A new mom knows she is unlikely able to breastfeed exclusively and will need to introduce a baby bottle. How soon can you introduce a bottle it to a breastfed baby.
A mom would like to partially wean her toddler but she throws temper tantrums and the mom ultimately gives in because it’s nursing related. She needs help following through.
Now that I can pump breastmilk successfully, how do I introduce it to my exclusively-breastfed baby?
What should I do when my breastfed baby won’t burp, and he’s gassy and uncomfortable?
My newborn has colic and now my family is hanging out without me! Are postpartum hormones just making me oversensitive? Please help.
Bottles, boobs and sippy cups, oh my!
There aren’t a ton of nursing pillow options on the market and mothers seems to have diehard opinions about the one they have chosen for themselves. We review and compare the Boppy, My Brest Friend and Leacho Natural Boost nursing pillows.
I tried three different nursing covers to see if one of them would help me feel more comfortable with breastfeeding in public spaces. Read what makes my favorite nursing cover special.
Our daycare is pressuring us to go against our pediatrician’s advice and transition to cow’s milk early. Is it really a big deal or am I overreacting?
Is my baby a happy spitter? What does that mean, and are you sure I don’t need to worry about it?
I went off medication so I could have a baby and nurse him for as long as I could. I need to go back on it, but the emotional pain of forced weaning hurts just as much.
Help! My baby will only nap in a running car or while nursing. How can I help him develop more practical napping habits?
I can’t pump enough milk for my baby and I’m tired of driving myself crazy over it. Can I nurse and use formula…and learn to be okay with that?
Many infant sleep experts like to tub thump against letting your baby fall asleep while nursing. Is it really such a bad habit? How do you break it?
It’s been a week since my daughter nursed! Is this a strike or the end of breastfeeding?
My breasts are leaking at five months pregnant! And leaking a LOT. Is this normal?
My baby is sleeping longer at night now. Should I pump or should I sleep?
What’s safe? What’s not? And how can you possibly know for sure?
After a terrible breastfeeding experience with baby #1, how to overcome fears and anxiety about nursing baby #2.