Sharing the Work of Parenting: What I Learned By Giving My Partner Some Room
What I learned when I stopped hovering and started giving my partner some room to be the parent they always were.
What I learned when I stopped hovering and started giving my partner some room to be the parent they always were.
Parents need help assessing whether they are over- or underreacting to what seems to be an isolated daycare incident with their toddler.
A mom’s dream career opportunity will take her away from her family for the summer. She is concerned and is getting some guilt trips from family and colleagues. What should she do?
A very young child cries uncontrollably at his new daycare center and now his mom is feeling guilty about having transferred him there after having lost confidence in the previous one.
Parenting is a 24/7 job and you can’t always be expected to bring your A game. Sometimes we relax on the job and that is more than okay.
The idea of a lazy, 1970’s inspired summer sounds fun but the reality is – I need to keep my kids busy at summer camp so I can get my work done and keep my sanity.
A mom needs help making a career decision that will impact how she spends time with her kids and outsources some caregiving duties. She turns to Amalah for advice.
Yes, we know it’s important to spend one-on-one time with our kids, but how the heck do we really do that?
We’ve all missed an illness or worse-than-we-realized injury in our little kids, but does it stop happening when they get older? Not exactly. At least we’re not alone.
A mom is starting to climb out of postpartum depression and is having a hard time getting her husband’s support for alone time for self-care.
A WOHM mom doesn’t want to engage in a mealtime battle with her young picky eater because she wants a pleasant dinnertime experience but is experiencing guilt about his limited food palate. What can she do?
Now that my “different” kids are teens, a reader facing issues with her 5-year-old wants to know if I see similarities in what we experienced.
Amalah uses a celebratory Advice Smackdown update for some self-reflection on our own hard-earned parenting achievements, as imperfectly won as they may have come.
An expecting mom needs help understanding whether the extreme guilt trip she is getting from her mom about postpartum visiting plans is justified or not.
I lost my job a few months ago and am trying to enjoy staying home with my kids full time…but I’m miserable and I hate this. Am I a bad person?
My daughter insists she’s done with diapers but I’m not so sure. How do I know when it’s really time to ditch the nighttime pull-up?
The daycare I chose for my baby turned out to be terrible and borderline neglectful. How can I ever trust my instincts again?
I work from home doing something I love. I am lucky. I recognize this, yet I worry about how this particular job choice affects my children.
Dear Amy, I’ve been reading Amalah for years — pre-Noah (your first child). I remember you posting one day that you had quit breastfeeding, including pictures of all the pump parts / accessories that you were throwing away. At the time, this was meaningless to…