Embracing the MIL Silent Treatment
An expectant mom needs advice on how to handle her overbearing MIL now that she’s expecting her second baby. She doesn’t want to feel emotionally bullied again.
An expectant mom needs advice on how to handle her overbearing MIL now that she’s expecting her second baby. She doesn’t want to feel emotionally bullied again.
How to find breastfeeding advice and support immediately after giving birth and in the postpartum months without having to hire a lactation specialist.
How do you tell your friends and family that you need your privacy and to maintain your sanity during the first weeks after the baby is born without being rude?
An expectant mom is right to be concerned about her soon-to-be-born infant being around her non-vaccinated preschooler nieces and nephews. What should she do?
An early weeks postpartum mom is suffering from a severe bladder issue and is turning to our readers for some knowledge, advice and comfort.
Should a mom commit to being a matron of honor at her BFFs wedding cross country when it’s so soon after her due date? What is realistic travel for a new postpartum mom?
Following the birth of your child you NEED TO EAT. And you need to eat well, and regularly. Here are our fave postpartum healthy snacks.
An expectant mom is experiencing high anxiety from the extraordinary amount of very detailed and unsolicited advice she is getting from her mother and in-laws so early in her pregnancy. She needs help setting boundaries.
A postpartum mom is now experiencing pain and other symptoms after sex and wants to know if this is normal after a c-section or whether this is something she should be more concerned about.
Midwives are telling this mom that she will probably have difficulty breastfeeding post an elective c-section. She wants to know if that’s true?
An expectant mom is trying anticipate the balance between her need and wanting of help from her own mom and her husband’s need to private family time on the second time around.
Dear Kate undies are perfect for women who suffer from mild urinary incontinence and a strong period flow and need extra protection. It’s common for moms to experience urinary stress incontinence for years after childbirth and these high-performance undies are a life-saver.
As a first-time mother, ten best ways to keep your sanity when you have a newborn.
Things to avoid when visiting or staying with brand-new parents.
Should I get a tubal ligation done during my C-section? Or is that too much, all at once?
I know there are people out there who think their babies don’t like being swaddled. I used to be one of those people. Here we put the Miracle Blanket, SwaddleMe, Woombie and Zen Swaddle to the test with one fussy newborn.
I had a baby and a c-section three weeks ago. But my husband and mother-in-law are dragging me and my baby all over creation! How can I explain that this is too much?
My baby is sleeping longer at night now. Should I pump or should I sleep?
Breastfeeding maneuvers for maximum sleep potential.
A first-time mom-to-be wonders where all the practical advice on pumping and bottle-feeding is.