Baby Sleep Deadlines
I am going on a trip when my baby is 8-months old. Am I letting my baby develop bad sleep habits that will make it difficult for her grandparents to take care of her four months from now?
I am going on a trip when my baby is 8-months old. Am I letting my baby develop bad sleep habits that will make it difficult for her grandparents to take care of her four months from now?
The mom of a toddler needs sleep advice for when traveling. She has had bad experiences getting her daughter to sleep when traveling and is considering forgoing a summer trip because of it. There must be a better way. We have some advice.
At what point can you hope to integrate bedtime routines between siblings? We have advice here.
What to do when your baby has her days and nights completely mixed up.
What is the routine, schedule, or general guidelines for when infant feeding and sleeping should happen for 12- week old babies?
A mom wants to start a behavior reward chart for her toddler with whom she’s been working on staying in her own bed all night. At what age do you start one and how do you begin?
A mom needs help with her two-month old’s sleep schedule. Her baby was a consistent sleeper for the first six weeks but then everything changed.
A mom needs advice on how to smoothly transition her 5 month old baby from co-sleeping to the crib and to do so with a toddler in the house.
A young infant is a champion sleeper once she’s finally down, but sometimes she really fights it. We help a mom decode her baby’s sleep signals.
A baby who previously would fall asleep easily can now only do so in the arms of her mom and no one else. The parents are on the brink of hiring an expensive sleep trainer. Can something be done first?
A baby, who is an otherwise an excellent sleeper, fights her third nap of the day even though it’s clear she still needs it. Amalah provides some advice to help out during this “transition” time.
A previously excellent sleeper now won’t go to bed for hours. What happened and what can be done to help this young child improve their sleep?
A parent turns to Amalah for help with probably one of the oldest toddler tricks in the book… using the potty as a bedtime stalling tactic.
My baby used to take a third nap. Now he won’t, and he’s turning into a gremlin every evening. What do I do?
Parents are at their wits’ end about a big bedtime power struggle they are facing with their preschool-aged child. The matter is complicated by a bedroom sharing arrangement with a sibling who is an awesome sleeper.
How do you handle a toddler who has become very effective at stalling bedtime?
How to you evict your toddler from your bed in the nicest way possible.
What should you do when your children’s sleep schedule is still wonky a month after moving into your new home? We have advice.
A toddler is going through a stage preferring grandma over her own mom and it’s causing tears throughout the household. Here’s advice on how to handle this common phase.
This parent needs help keeping their older toddler in their own bed and stop them from roaming the house during the middle of the night and disrupting everyone’s sleep.