When a Toddler (Only!) Wants Grandma
A toddler is going through a stage preferring grandma over her own mom and it’s causing tears throughout the household. Here’s advice on how to handle this common phase.
A toddler is going through a stage preferring grandma over her own mom and it’s causing tears throughout the household. Here’s advice on how to handle this common phase.
This parent needs help keeping their older toddler in their own bed and stop them from roaming the house during the middle of the night and disrupting everyone’s sleep.
How do you handle a young child who refuses to go to sleep? Here’s how to handle this common power struggle. In short, avoid the bedtime battle to win the sleep war.
What should you do when your children’s sleep schedule is still wonky a month after moving into your new home? We have advice.
A previously excellent sleeper now won’t go to bed for hours. What happened and what can be done to help this young child improve their sleep?
Parents are at their wits’ end about a big bedtime power struggle they are facing with their preschool-aged child. The matter is complicated by a bedroom sharing arrangement with a sibling who is an awesome sleeper.
A parent turns to Amalah for help with probably one of the oldest toddler tricks in the book… using the potty as a bedtime stalling tactic.
A mom writes in for help with her previously champion sleeper who can now take up to 2 hours falling asleep on his own in his big kid bed.
How do you handle a toddler who has become very effective at stalling bedtime?
An expectant mom needs help sorting out her toddler’s nap schedule without too much disruption especially before the new baby arrives. Which is basically any minute now.
A mom wants to start a behavior reward chart for her toddler with whom she’s been working on staying in her own bed all night. At what age do you start one and how do you begin?
A young child just won’t stay in his bed no matter what his parents try and it’s clear that fear of staying in his bed alone is at the root of the problem.
A school boy with ADHD is having an extra hard time falling asleep recently and its causing lots of stress on the family. This is not an uncommon problem amongst special need school-aged kids. Amalah has some advice.
A mom is trying to keep her kids from napping in the car ride home after a busy and long day of summer activities so as not to mess up their sleep schedule. What is the most effective technique that Amalah has used with her sons?
A mom wants to know whether her son’s slight potty training regression is more than attention-seeking behavior due to the recent birth of a sibling.
A mom has found herself in an intense bedtime power struggle with her toddler. We help her establish a plan to sleep success.
A mom is experiencing the Terrible Threes for the first time and needs advice on handling battles and bed- and dinnertime.