Going Full Satter: Taking Back Control of Dinnertime
A mom needs a realistic tactical plan for implementing Ellyn Satter’s feeding philosophy to family dinners.
A mom needs a realistic tactical plan for implementing Ellyn Satter’s feeding philosophy to family dinners.
My nephew is seven years old and still has the eating habits of a toddler. Help!
All milk and no solids! What to do with a newly-minted toddler who’s stuck with babyish eating habits.
Amalah returns from maternity leave with advice for the mother of nine-month-old who will. not. eat. anything. at. all. no.
At what point is it no longer kosher to go to a restaurant and bring your child’s meal in the diaper bag?
Problem: Grandma likes stuffing little Susie full of junk food all day long. Double Problem: You’re not actually little Susie’s mom.
My baby is boycotting the spoon! Is it sensory issues? A picky eater in the making?
My son, at 13 months, is turning out to be SUCH a picky eater. I’m completely baffled. He only wants to eat pureed veggies and fruits (with the exception of bananas–he loves them. I swear the kid is part monkey.) Help!
Kids can be picky about their food — but making your toddler a separate meal is not the answer. Here’s how to teach your toddler to eat what she’s served.
People often ask me what Henry’s eating these days, and in response I typically let out a series of high-pitched shrieks. Because oh, my friends. Oh, dear. It’s not good. This is a topic I have avoided bringing up because it tends to elicit strong…