Second Baby Shower Blues
More dilemmas from the “how to get gifts without looking like I’m out to get gifts” trenches.
More dilemmas from the “how to get gifts without looking like I’m out to get gifts” trenches.
A pregnant mom is very angry with her family’s gender-stereotyping issues, and it is causing her stress especially in how it will affect her baby shower. But, we think the issues could be bigger than that….
An expectant mom is incredibly stressed about her new in-laws potentially attending her upcoming baby shower. What can be done? First, we need to get to the root of the mess.
A reader needs advice on whether she is overreacting to her sister’s pregnancy announcement which was made via a baby shower invite by one of her friends. Her sister is hurt because she was by her side during her IVF process. We have thoughts.
A mom is in financial need of being showered for her second baby but is concerned about the baby shower etiquette and politics of the South. Amalah helps out with some ideas.
What’s a Sip-and-See? Is it a real thing? How does it work? What’s the gift etiquette? Amalah to the rescue.
An expectant mom thinks that her friends are likely to throw her a baby shower for baby #2 but she hasn’t sent thank you notes from her one. What should she do?
What is the best gift etiquette when receiving baby shower gifts at home from non-party-attending friends?
An expectant mom is being pressured to have a postpartum baby shower by her husband’s family and friends. What are her alternatives?
Doesn’t look like anyone will be throwing this expectant mom a baby shower. How can she celebrate the arrival of her baby with a party she throws herself without it looking tacky? Is it possible?
An expectant mom is not sure how to handle the invite lists for her baby showers now that there will be three of them thrown in her honor.
Is it tacky for my college buddy and me to throw ourselves a joint baby shower since it would save our collective friends traveling time and expenses?
My mother-in-law (who now lives in the South) wants to throw me a baby shower. But the guests are her friends and only my acquaintances. I feel uncomfortable about this. What should I do?
Only three people came to my baby shower and I’m having a really hard time dealing with the disappointment. How can I make myself get over this?
Gender Reveal Parties are all the rage these days. Here’s a fun DIY idea if you would like to throw your own.
What’s the etiquette on gifts for your baby shower hosts?
Is it rude to have a baby shower to celebrate the second (or third or fourth or 19th) baby?
What you need when you’re creating a baby registry for your second little one.
By popular demand, our comprehensive guide to all things baby gear, now updated & expanded.
My friend wants me to pay for my own baby shower! What do I do?