Potty Training Wars: Breaking the Diaper Dependence
A parent is struggling with a potty training problem. They’re in a power struggle over their toddler’s dependence on holding onto a diaper while using the toilet.
A parent is struggling with a potty training problem. They’re in a power struggle over their toddler’s dependence on holding onto a diaper while using the toilet.
Help! My toddler is very quiet and not even babbling. I am concerned that they should be evaluated sooner. Do you have advice?
Help! I am clueless about potty training my 2-year-old son. Should he sit or stand at the toilet? How do I keep urine from spraying everywhere?
Help! My toddler is highly distracted at dinnertime and will only eat for 10 minutes unless I can entertain them. I think that’s a bad habit to establish. Suggestions?
Help! My toddler is ready to potty train but thinks it’s hysterical to pee in her pants. What do we do?
A toddler is going through a stage preferring grandma over her own mom and it’s causing tears throughout the household. Here’s advice on how to handle this common phase.
This parent needs help keeping their older toddler in their own bed and stop them from roaming the house during the middle of the night and disrupting everyone’s sleep.
A parent needs advice on how to handle her toddler’s separation anxiety while dropping her off at daycare. Amalah has advice.
How do you help your toddler from grabbing and throwing your eyeglasses? They think it’s a game. We have some advice.
Help! I think my toddler may be speech delayed. But also, we’re bilingual at home. How do I get them evaluated during the COVID-19 shutdowns? What can I do?
Help! Why can my toddler use the potty effectively when at home and out with the family but not ready to use it at school?
What should you do when your toddler winds up in your bed after waking in the middle of the night? We have been-there-done-that advice on how to handle this common parenting issue.
A mom has needs more ideas after trying lots of ideas to prevent him from quickly melting down into epic tantrums.
Is it ever okay to temporarily divert from sleep and bedtime routines during regressions? Yes, but beware of pitfalls and warnings!
For the past two weeks, I have been letting my toddler scream himself to sleep during this 18-month regression. But, it’s not working. We need a better sleep solution for all of us.
How to handle your toddler’s dinnertime shenanigans when they think dinnertime is an opportunity to play in and out of their high chair. Also, a surprise notice for Ellyn Satter fans.
How to help your young toddler understand that it’s not okay to hit his older sibling for fun or to get attention. We have advice on helping both kids in this situation.
A stressed-out mom is potty training her young toddler who is now getting very angry and fighting the process. Should they continue the potty training bootcamp or put it on hold?
My 6-month old sleeps through the night but looking at sleep charts, I think he may not be getting enough sleep throughout the entire day and night. What should I do?
My previously halfway potty-trained child has all of a sudden started having repeated accidents and is no longer responding to positive incentives. What caused this mysterious backsliding in toilet training?