Last Minute Gifts: Books!
Our favorite books for holiday gifting. Books for kids, adults, and cooks!
Our favorite books for holiday gifting. Books for kids, adults, and cooks!
Great fitness gift ideas by Liz Gumbinner of Cool Mom Picks and Cool Mom Tech. These gifts keep giving back into 2014.
The Short Game, a documentary about competitive child golfers, is a must-see. It’s inspiring, funny and entertaining even if you find golf boring.
We recommend 50 Toys and Games that we feel you can trust. The selections range from infant to tween with varying price points.
Wonder, the novel about a boy with severe craniofacial deformities who starts middle school, by R.J. Palacio is a must-read for children and their parents.
The beginning of September always brings with it a flood of memories and anxieties, frankly. It’s Hurricane Season again.
Dear Kate undies are perfect for women who suffer from mild urinary incontinence and a strong period flow and need extra protection. It’s common for moms to experience urinary stress incontinence for years after childbirth and these high-performance undies are a life-saver.
Netflix Streaming launches Netflix Families with TV and movie recommendations for kids and parents. Get a sneak peek.
Looking for TV and movie recommendations on Netflix for both yourself and your kids. I’ve got you covered.
I am lending a hand to help to restore some homes in Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn which was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy.
As Teacher Appreciation Week and the school year-end approaches, here is a fun and free printable card to present an iTunes gift card as a thank you.
It greatly saddens me that it was just four months ago that I wrote Thinking of Newtown. Here we are again mourning as a nation. Thinking about how to explain and talk about this tragedy with our children.
My glasses have become an integral part of “my look.” Here’s what I have learned over the past 20 years of wearing specs.
Inspired by one of my most favorite candies, we created these candy treat bag toppers for kids to hand out gummy bear treats and cards to friends and classmates on Valentine’s Day.
We mourn the innocent lives lost in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedy. As President Obama said, when you become a parent, the children of the world become your children.
Dance Theatre of Harlem is a pillar of its community and a leading international ballet organization. Its importance in the arts cannot be underestimated. Learn more about DTH and how you can support arts and arts education on #GivingTuesday and beyond.
We have been testing out toys and games for the past several months, and together with my personal recommendations for other gifts have compiled a list for inspiration this holiday season.
Help launch #GivingTuesday on November 27. We’re less than a week away. We can do this.
For #GivingTuesday, think about supporting The New Victory Theater, New York’s first theater totally devoted to children and families.
The recovery and rebuild post-Sandy will be a long one. Please don’t forget NYC.