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#GivingTuesday is Less Than a Week Away

By Isabel Kallman

As you know I have been writing a #GivingTuesday series for a few weeks now. And, we’re getting close. This year — its first year– #GivingTuesday is on Tuesday, November 27. That makes it less than a week away.

Just to remind you, #GivingTuesday is a day to celebrate giving – a day when families, charities, businesses, community centers, students, retailers and more can come together to encourage giving during the holiday season. Appropriately, it’s also after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.


I love how Mashable, one of #GivingTuesday’s founding partners put it, “The best part of this new day of giving? You can make it all your own. There’s no one company or one cause driving the campaign.”

I am honored to have been asked to participate in a short video series that #GivingTuesday prepared for the web to increase awareness of this new movement:

Immediately following Hurricane Sandy, I wrote about ways you can help in Sandy aid efforts. I would also like to highlight to other efforts that are dedicated to not only immediate relief aid, but also towards the long-term rebuilding that will be required in NYC:

1) The NYC Mayor’s Fund (if making a monetary donation, write in memo line of check: Hurricane Sandy Relief), and
2) OccupySandy which was originally started by the organizers of Occupy Wall Street and has since been incredible in their organization and on-the-ground-mobilization of volunteers and donations.

Help launch #GivingTuesday.

Read More About Giving on Alphamom:

About the Author

Isabel Kallman

Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.


Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.

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