Big Kid Sleeping Troubles
A mom is looking for help for her child to fall asleep on her own at night. We have some advice for this once great sleeper.
A mom is looking for help for her child to fall asleep on her own at night. We have some advice for this once great sleeper.
This parent needs help keeping their older toddler in their own bed and stop them from roaming the house during the middle of the night and disrupting everyone’s sleep.
How do you handle a young child who refuses to go to sleep? Here’s how to handle this common power struggle. In short, avoid the bedtime battle to win the sleep war.
A mom needs help getting her baby to sleep through the night and not dependent on falling asleep to breastfeeding since she’ll be weaning soon. We have been-there-done-that advice.
Is it ever okay to temporarily divert from sleep and bedtime routines during regressions? Yes, but beware of pitfalls and warnings!
For the past two weeks, I have been letting my toddler scream himself to sleep during this 18-month regression. But, it’s not working. We need a better sleep solution for all of us.
A very sleep-deprived expectant mom needs help with her kids’ sleeping arrangements given that they are on different schedules and its wreaking havoc on the whole family.
My 6-month old sleeps through the night but looking at sleep charts, I think he may not be getting enough sleep throughout the entire day and night. What should I do?
A mom needs help with her two-month old’s sleep schedule. Her baby was a consistent sleeper for the first six weeks but then everything changed.
A toddler now needs to watch a certain YouTube video every night in order to fall asleep. How bad is this sleep habit? How does one break it?
A toddler who is now in a bed is waking up much earlier. Is this a new sleep schedule? We have advice on getting the toddler to stay in bed longer.
A toddler is getting up in the middle of the night and now super duper early, too. Everyone in the house is sleep deprived. What can be done?
When helping siblings sharing rooms manage sleep schedules how do night lights figure into the process? Here are some recommendations.
A parent needs help diagnosing a sleep problem with her infant. Are the night wakings developmental or should she start sleep training STAT?
A previously excellent sleeper now won’t go to bed for hours. What happened and what can be done to help this young child improve their sleep?
What does new sibling sleep regression look like, how do you handle it, what are the pitfalls and more advice?
What does the four month sleep regression look like? Or is my baby experiencing a growth spurt? Or could it be both? What do I do?
How do you help a potty training toddler go back to sleep after he wakes in the middle of the night to poop? We share some strategies.
My four-month-old baby is a great sleeper but is starting to need to be nursed back to sleep in the middle of the night. Am I setting up a bad sleep habit?
Amalah walks a mom through how to get an infant to back to sleep, in the middle of the night after a feeding, in that optimal drowsy state so the baby can fall asleep independently.