Books Girls Love
Summer means outdoor fun, water play, and of course, reading time. Here are some great books and book series that are very popular with girls (and I’m sure boys, too!)
Summer means outdoor fun, water play, and of course, reading time. Here are some great books and book series that are very popular with girls (and I’m sure boys, too!)
Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book “David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants,” touches on lots of parenting issues. Let’s discuss it together!
Our favorite books for holiday gifting. Books for kids, adults, and cooks!
Inspired by my fellow contributor Brenda Ponnay’s new children’s book, Secret Agent Josephine in Paris, Chef Ezra and I bake some french baguettes, a great cooking craft for kids.
Wonder, the novel about a boy with severe craniofacial deformities who starts middle school, by R.J. Palacio is a must-read for children and their parents.
A summer recommended book reading list from my teenagers; they love sci-fi, fantasy, coming-of-age teen drama, and (of course) manga.
Vote between “Daring Greatly,” “The Whole-Brain Child” and “Sticks and Stones” for our next Alpha Mom parenting book selection.
We’re making a special exception this month and have chosen Minimalist Parenting as our next parenting book club choice.
The way to get your kids to behave is to give them the gift of self discipline. But exactly how do you do that? That is what author Barbara Coloroso outlines in her book, Kids Are Worth It!
It is time to choose our next book for our book club. I am so excited. Every single one of these books touches on a parenting issue near and dear to my heart.
You know the old adage, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree? Well, sometimes it does. Andrew Solomon explores in his new book what happens in families when the apple doesn’t just fall from the tree, it rolls far, far away.
We discuss the science of parenting book, NurtureShock, which promises to turn all of our long held assumptions about parenting on their head.
Having said that, there is no magic formula for parenting kids (wouldn’t THAT be nice!), but I think that this book has helped me realize some areas where I can improve, especially when it comes to the way that I communicate with my children. I feel like this book gave me ideas to make things better. It is easy to get “stuck” in one way of doing something and not be able to see your way out of it, even when you know it isn’t the best way. How many of us have had the horrified realization of hearing our own parents’ voices coming out of our mouths?
Want to read some new books about parenting and then discuss them with other parents? We are going to do just that!
In Happier at Home, Gretchen Rubin’s follow-up to the best-selling The Happiness Project, I find more inspiration for projects that put a smile on my face.
Get your boys reading this summer with our awesome list of Books Boys Love! (And we’re pretty sure girls will love it, too!)
It’s no secret that my favorite baby gift is a bundle of my favorite children’s books. Here are some (or seventy) of my favorite books for babies and young children.
I wasn’t an eager reader at 9 years old and neither is my son right now. So, here’s what I do.
This new series of board books will have you all excited even if you weren’t an English Lit major.
This innovative board book with heat-sensitive color-changing ink reveals a simple story that intrigues even a jaded eight-year old… my son.