Potty Training the (Super) Jealous Big Sibling
A mom needs help with potty training her toddler. But is the issue really new sibling regression?
A mom needs help with potty training her toddler. But is the issue really new sibling regression?
Summer work is a great way to keep kids from forgetting all the stuff they learned during the school year. Some advice to stop the “Summer slide.”
After a stomach bug, a young toddler refuses to drink from her sippy cup now. Her mom needs help in getting her back on track. But should she just wait longer?
A toddler is refusing to nap but clearly still needs it. Amalah thinks there’s really another common sleep issue at work here.
A mom writes in for help with her previously champion sleeper who can now take up to 2 hours falling asleep on his own in his big kid bed.
How do you handle a toddler who has become very effective at stalling bedtime?
A reader wants to know how you teach kids to study when they’re resistant to doing so. This may not be the answer she wants, but it’s all I’ve got.
A mom needs help with her toddler’s bedtime routine. He’s great at stalling and she is concerned because he is at the point where he can climb out of his crib. What should she do?
An young adventurous eater is starting to follow his picky eater older brother’s lead and their mom is concerned. What can she do to nip this issue in the bud?
A school boy with ADHD is having an extra hard time falling asleep recently and its causing lots of stress on the family. This is not an uncommon problem amongst special need school-aged kids. Amalah has some advice.
Ah, homework. It can be the bane of your existence. It may be your nightly battle. Here we tackle finding the balance between helping your children accomplish their responsibilities and fostering independence.
When you have a strong-willed child you need to choose your potty training battles carefully.
It’s a dilemma as old as time: Teenagers choosing to dress to trends rather than weather. Do I have the solution? Sort of.
A WOHM mom doesn’t want to engage in a mealtime battle with her young picky eater because she wants a pleasant dinnertime experience but is experiencing guilt about his limited food palate. What can she do?
Parents need advice on how to handle their extremely clingy toddler who gets incredibly upset if she’s not carried. Is this an emotional or behavioral reaction that she’s having?
A toddler is throwing temper tantrums in the car on the longish daily commute home from daycare and her mom wants to nip this in the bud for parenting and safety reasons.
This mom is having a difficult time potty training her stubborn young child. Amalah suggests her potty training boot camp plan to her.
A mom is wisely picking her battles with her toddler but she still wants to maintain a pleasant family mealtime arrangement. What can she do?
A mom is having a challenging time with her almost fully potty-trained child who is scared to poop in the potty and insists on wearing a pull-up. What are the parent’s options to help her young child?
Out of the blue a toddler has started throwing tantrums during bathtime and gets unreasonably upset. Is this typcial and what can his parents do?