Cloth Diapering in Humid Climates – New & Updated!
A review of our advice, tips, and an update on specific recommendations for cloth diapering in humid climates and weather.
A review of our advice, tips, and an update on specific recommendations for cloth diapering in humid climates and weather.
How do you build the best overnight diaper for a toddler who is a heavy wetter? We have some advice.
A cloth diapering mom is dealing with a yeast infection in her house. Amalah has experience and shares her been-there-done-that knowledge and tips.
The diaper pail stink is real. We have some solutions.
Why are your cloth diapers deteriorating at an alarming rate? Could it be how you wash them?
Wool diaper covers solved our rash problems but created another: Is it normal for wool to feel this damp in the morning?
Making your own laundry detergent is easy and economical…but is it a recipe for disaster when it comes to cloth diapers?
Hello, we’re the Cloth Diaper Support Line. How can we help you?
My cloth-diapered heavy wetter is sleeping longer at night, but waking up soaking! How can I keep him in cloth but avoid a nighttime change?
Help! My son’s cloth diapers smell like poop no matter what I do. Can this diapering relationship be saved?
What cloth diapering system is best for babies with those amazing, wonderful and delicious mega-thighs?
I want to cloth diaper but my husband thinks I’m crazy. Can you help me change his mind?
Brainstorming through some common cloth-diaper problems.
Cloth diaper woes? We’re here to help.
If I were getting ready to cloth diaper a newborn again, what would I buy? What would I do differently?
Help! My cloth wipes smell like unfinished basement crawl space. What am I doing wrong?
Is potty training in cloth diapers really all that different from disposable diapers? Can you avoid the Pull-Up phase altogether? What about those infernal snaps?
Why your cloth diapers suddenly smell bad, and what to do about it.
How to beat the heat inside your baby’s diaper.
Is there life after potty training for cloth diapers?