Thinking of Newtown
We mourn the innocent lives lost in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedy. As President Obama said, when you become a parent, the children of the world become your children.
We mourn the innocent lives lost in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedy. As President Obama said, when you become a parent, the children of the world become your children.
I went off medication so I could have a baby and nurse him for as long as I could. I need to go back on it, but the emotional pain of forced weaning hurts just as much.
Leave a comment to give a kid a shot at life. I’m participating in a fundraising effort to provide vaccines to children in developing nations.
My 14 month old just weaned. I thought I was more than ready, but I’m devastated. Is this normal?
Can you buy a better sex life in the vitamin aisle?
A cancer survivor prepares for kicking infertility’s butt too.
It’s an unfortunate side effect of the “Pregnancy Causes EVERYTHING” routine: Sometimes we still ignore things that, before pregnancy and childbirth, would have sent us hightailing it to the doctor a long time ago. And maybe still should.
How to safely — and successfully — do both.
Like practically every other human being on Earth, I own an iPhone. It’s helping me get into the best shape of my life.
Secret shame: Nobody wants to talk about how nobody wants to have sex anymore.
Philosophy made a mess of my skin! HELP.
Another dilemma from the “my birth control is driving me crazy” files. Plus: a round up of the non-hormonal options.
A young mom is afraid she’s too old for purple hair.
Not surprisingly, breast cancer is the single-most feared disease by women. But what is surprising is that while one in thirty women in the US dies of breast cancer, one in four women dies of heart disease. Neither of these numbers is acceptable but it does point out that American women don’t take the risk of heart disease seriously enough.
Here’s a hint: NOT COLD-TURKEY.
I do not think those words mean what the tabloids think they mean.
When neither of you are particularly down with the bald spot.
Practical tips for postpartum boobcare.
The messy emotional mess of deciding when to quit.
My friend just told me her boyfriend hits her. How do I help? Where do I start?