Tween Thoughts on Google Latitude
For Tween Girls, Latitude is “Stalkerish”
For Tween Girls, Latitude is “Stalkerish”
There’s a new Ken in Tween-Town
My sister has two incredible boys. And now that they’ve grown up and left her and her husband all alone, she’s… happier than ever. What gives?
Our Favorite Wizard Scribe Reigns
How To Talk To Girls
From a California punk to a Georgia drag queen, the pride and passion of a generation coming of age in a new photo book.
Will Britney make a comeback?
Scary Santa photos are now being memorialized in a book. Do you think your tween will love it or hate it?
Looking for adventure, fun and excitement?
Tween Girls that do not love Twilight? How can that be? The great tween debate is here.
Tween Girls Want Gift Cards and Cameras. Target nailed it with this perfect tween 2-Fer.
Sexy Girls and Scary Boys. What’s wrong with this picture?
Tween girls escape and HSM 3 rocks and rolls into 1st place.
“First I get almost everything I want and then: BOOM! No more money.” An 11-year-old tween girl figures out what Wall Street means to HER Main Street.
Nope, Sorry, I’m watching the Twilight Trailer… AGAIN.
For Moms, MUMS the word.
Gloozy, Nit, Gleebow, Garnet, Popshake. Find out what they really mean.
Is she dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s?
Maybe Woody Allen wasn’t 100% right when he said, “80% of success is showing up.”
Great bonding idea: sit down with your daughter and make a life list together.