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Tween Girls still love her: Britney’s “Circus” is No. 1

By Denise Restauri

TWEEN GIRLS are “flippin tired of all the junk ppl have been saying about her!!!”

“And she’s like old Britney with the long blond hair, toned-up body and making sexy videos, and that’s resonating with her old fans,” Davis says.
Weiss says the star deserves credit for knowing her audience well and changing with the times: “Despite all the craziness and paparazzi and people chasing her around, she’s not that dissimilar to a lot of the girls buying her records.”


About the Author

Denise Restauri

As the founder of, the safe social networking site for tween girls, Denise Restauri is directly tapped into the tween girl world every day.


As the founder of, the safe social networking site for tween girls, Denise Restauri is directly tapped into the tween girl world every day.

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