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Make an Explorer's Kit from Paper Coffee Cups for Talk Like A Pirate Day! by Rachel Meeks for

Make an Explorer’s Kit from Paper Coffee Cups

By Rachel Meeks

Every explorer needs a set of binoculars and a compass.

painted paper coffee cups

Just a few hours before the jungle adventure, this was two coffee cups in the cup holder on the morning commute.

coffee cups in car drink holders

A parent needs to cut out the bottom of the cups with an exacto knife.

cutting out bottom of paper coffee cup

Then it’s time to paint the cups. When painting a craft project black, I find it’s easiest to use a sample pot of black latex interior wall paint. It goes on in one coat for a thick, glossy finish.

When the paint is dry, fasten the cups together with a stapler or tape.

painting paper coffee cup with black paint

Use a permanent marker to draw a compass on the coffee cup lid!

compass drawn on coffee cup lid

What will you spy, brave adventurer?

explorer kit made from paper coffee cups

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About the Author

Rachel Meeks

Rachel Meeks is the voice behind the popular blog Small Notebook, a resource for simplifying and organizing your home. (Because it’s so much easier to be a parent when you’re not surrou...

Rachel Meeks is the voice behind the popular blog Small Notebook, a resource for simplifying and organizing your home. (Because it’s so much easier to be a parent when you’re not surrounded by a ton of stuff.)

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