Potty Training Wars: Reassessing Readiness
Help! My toddler is ready to potty train but thinks it’s hysterical to pee in her pants. What do we do?
Help! My toddler is ready to potty train but thinks it’s hysterical to pee in her pants. What do we do?
What do you do when your kid refuses to wear a pull-up to bed but is not nighttime potty-trained just yet? We have some advice.
Parents need advice on whether their nighttime potty training approach is useful, pointless or even counterproductive at this stage for their 3 years old.
How do you help a potty training toddler go back to sleep after he wakes in the middle of the night to poop? We share some strategies.
A parent turns to Amalah for help with probably one of the oldest toddler tricks in the book… using the potty as a bedtime stalling tactic.
This mom is having a difficult time potty training her stubborn young child. Amalah suggests her potty training boot camp plan to her.
A four-year old girl has regressed pretty dramatically on her potty training. We try to help her family get her back on track.
A mom needs advice on whether she should be concerned about her toddler son drinking water at bedtime through a sippy cup.
A mom wants to know whether her son’s slight potty training regression is more than attention-seeking behavior due to the recent birth of a sibling.
A mom is laid back about her daughter who is bedwetting. However, it’s the 4-year-old daughter who is upset that she is still not fully potty trained at night. How can her mom help her?
An mom needs advice on how to help her pee-potty-trained son poop on the toilet before he starts preschool in the Fall, especially since the timing coincides with the birth of a new sibling.
My mother-in-law potty-trained my twins and forbade us from using pull-ups. We’ve had nightly accidents ever since but she won’t budge! Will we really ruin everything by using pull-ups at night?
When potty-training isn’t going well, is there ever a point where you should just pack it in and go back to diapers?
My daughter insists she’s done with diapers but I’m not so sure. How do I know when it’s really time to ditch the nighttime pull-up?
How to help an older child stay dry at night…and feeling good about themselves on the nights when they don’t.
Why it takes so much longer for some kids, and if there’s anything you can do to speed things up.