The Dinnertime Dance (and Some News For Satter Fans)
How to handle your toddler’s dinnertime shenanigans when they think dinnertime is an opportunity to play in and out of their high chair. Also, a surprise notice for Ellyn Satter fans.
How to handle your toddler’s dinnertime shenanigans when they think dinnertime is an opportunity to play in and out of their high chair. Also, a surprise notice for Ellyn Satter fans.
Applying the Satter Method to common real life feeding situations with kids. Amalah answers your questions.
Are nutritious and joint family dinners possible when both parents have busy work schedules and your toddler has an early bedtime?
An young adventurous eater is starting to follow his picky eater older brother’s lead and their mom is concerned. What can she do to nip this issue in the bud?
A WOHM mom doesn’t want to engage in a mealtime battle with her young picky eater because she wants a pleasant dinnertime experience but is experiencing guilt about his limited food palate. What can she do?
A mom is wisely picking her battles with her toddler but she still wants to maintain a pleasant family mealtime arrangement. What can she do?
An older toddler is refusing dinner after being well throughout the day. However, he is going to bed and waking up ravenous. How can his parents help him without succumbing to this dinnertime power struggle?
A mom needs help breaking a bad mealtime habit with her toddler so she can have the healthy family dinner time they all deserve and need.
A mom is ready to face her toddler’s picky eating habits but her first challenge is keeping her in her high chair. How does she do that successfully?
A mom is experiencing the Terrible Threes for the first time and needs advice on handling battles and bed- and dinnertime.