A Driving Contract For Teens
We’ve been talking a lot about teaching your teen to drive ’round here, lately, and so we thought it might be a useful thing to come up with a sample template of sorts for a contract between teen and parent(s) for folks who are into that sort of thing. The following is intended as a starting point; personally use what works for you, change or leave out what doesn’t. (That said, the following is copyright of me and Alpha Mom, so please no plagiarizing to your own website or whatever other medium, because that’s uncool and legally risky for you.) Would you ask your teen to sign a driving contract? Do you feel like something important is missing from this one? Hit me up in the comments with your feedback.
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So as to be crystal clear about rights, privileges, and responsibilities surrounding learning to drive, and then being a license-holding teen living at home, and hopefully to avoid anger, misunderstandings, or danger, the following contract is set forth between __________________________ [henceforth referred to as Teen] and __________________________ [henceforth referred to as Parent(s)].
I. During The Learning Process
Teen agrees to:
A) Follow basic household rules to earn the privilege of time behind the wheel, such as being polite and respectful, keeping up with school responsibilities, completing chores, etc.
B) Listen and respond to supervising driver immediately and without question. If there is a matter for debate, first the instruction is to be followed, and once the car can be removed from the roadway and stopped, then the matter can be discussed. Failure to follow directions immediately will be grounds for suspension of driver training.
C) Treat the learning process as the mastering of a complicated and possibly life-endangering task, because it is. This means no radio, GPS, or other distractions, however minimal, until the supervising driver deems such added inputs acceptable.
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Parent(s) agrees to:
A) Offer copious instructional time (provided that Teen meets the above criteria). If Parent(s) is unwilling or unable to serve as primary driving instructor, a suitable replacement will be found. Additionally, Parent(s) agrees to pay for Driver’s Ed if formal instruction is desired.
B) Be helpful, encouraging, and mindful of the fact that learning to drive is hard, and no one ever got better at it by being screamed at or otherwise berated. Calm is the name of the game.
C) Honestly assess both the Teen’s level of skill and difficulty of a given driving situation in deciding when practice is safe, slightly challenging, or ill-advised.
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II. Once Teen Is Licensed
Teen agrees to:
A) Never text and drive.
B) Follow all rules of the road, including adhering to any license restrictions (number of passengers, time-of-day driving, etc.). Should a driving violation occur, Teen will immediately inform Parent(s).
C) Seek alternate transportation or delay driving if not mentally safe to do so. This includes—but is not limited to—being inebriated or otherwise chemically altered, being exhausted, or being overly emotional and unable to calm down. Teen further agrees to call Parent(s) if facing one of these situations while out with the car. In the unlikely event that Teen cannot reach Parent(s), another responsible adult will be consulted.
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Parent(s) agrees to:
A) Trust Teen to make good choices per this agreement and general good faith until proven otherwise.
B) Provide a pick-up (or arrange for alternate safe transportation) at any time, anywhere, no questions asked, if/when Teen calls due to inability to drive safely. Any discussion pursuant of the circumstances surrounding such a situation will be tabled until the following day, and bearing in mind that the responsible choice not to drive was made.
C) Respond with appropriate wrath and/or revocation of Teen’s license if the above conditions are violated, but also with the understanding that mistakes happen and any consequences enacted as a result of said mistakes should be time-limited.
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III. Car Rights, Responsibilities, And Finances
Teen agrees to:
A) Treat Parent(s) car as a loan of privilege, because it is. This means sometimes running boring errands for Parent(s) in return for the use of the car.
B) ‘Fess up immediately if any damage occurs to said borrowed car while in the Teen’s possession.
C) Discuss the finances and logistics of acquiring own car while living at home, and respect Parent(s) position. (Read: Do not expect to be gifted a car just because you got your license.)
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Parent(s) agrees to:
A) Use but not abuse the “can you run and get a gallon of milk for me” clause once Teen is often borrowing car.
B) Not freak out if the car is scratched or otherwise damaged, and to find an appropriate, workable solution should repairs be needed.
C) Be reasonable about the finances involved in having a licensed teen driver (see below).
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Teen will / will not pay for own gas when using Parent(s) car. (circle one)
Teen will pay in full / will pay a portion / will not pay for own insurance coverage when using Parent(s) car. (circle one)
Teen will / will not be allowed to acquire own vehicle while living at home as a minor. (circle one)
Teen will pay in full / will pay a portion / has a fairy godmother for purchase of own car. (circle one)
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Teen recognizes that even if in possession of own car, while living under Parent(s)’s roof, Parent(s)’s rules may result in removal of driving privileges if this contract is violated. Bottom line: Be good.
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