Family Traditions: The Thanksgiving Feather Hunt
By Sarah James of Whoorl
Thanksgiving Day is the perfect holiday for relaxing, catching up with family members, watching football and stuffing your face. However, those of us SWEATING OUR TUSHES OFF while painstakingly preparing the meal might agree to differ.
There’s a lot of action going on in the kitchen, is all I’m sayin’. Now, most of the non-food preparers simply steer clear of the general vicinity, allowing ample space for the cooks to perfect their final touches, but what about the kids? For the under 6 set, I don’t think a 3-hour football game and/or discussion about current events is going to keep them remotely interested, and most importantly, out of the kitchen.
Enter the Thanksgiving Feather Hunt! Our family’s super fun way to keep the little ones occupied while some of us desperately try to perfect grandma’s gravy recipe.
What You’ll Need:
Stack of feathers
Ridiculous looking turkey headdresses (okay, that one isn’t mandatory)
Grab the sacks and stickers and let the kiddos decorate their own special feather-hunting bag. Here’s my son looking rather proud of his wonderful creation. (With said headdress.)
While the kids are busy decorating their sacks with stickers, have one of the lazy football fans get off his rump and hide the feathers around the house. When the feathers are properly hidden, let the little ones loose!
Are they excited or what?
After they spend a good chunk of time searching for feathers while you cook, the kids can finish the hunt by finding for the perfect place to spotlight their bounty.
Easy peasy, right? I’m thinking a paper snowflake hunt might be just around the corner for our Christmas dinner preparation.
Sarah James writes about her daily life and family at her personal blog Whoorl.