Ditching the Pump
A mom needs help figuring out a new feeding schedule with her baby that no longer includes pumping but only breastfeeding and supplementing with formula.
A mom needs help figuring out a new feeding schedule with her baby that no longer includes pumping but only breastfeeding and supplementing with formula.
What does the four month sleep regression look like? Or is my baby experiencing a growth spurt? Or could it be both? What do I do?
A mom needs practical advice on helping her baby overcome his new fear of bath time. We share our BTDT strategies.
My four-month-old baby is a great sleeper but is starting to need to be nursed back to sleep in the middle of the night. Am I setting up a bad sleep habit?
Amalah walks a mom through how to get an infant to back to sleep, in the middle of the night after a feeding, in that optimal drowsy state so the baby can fall asleep independently.
A new mother is struggling on how to honor the birth (and loss) of her daughters via birth announcement, after one died soon after birth.
A baby, who is an otherwise an excellent sleeper, fights her third nap of the day even though it’s clear she still needs it. Amalah provides some advice to help out during this “transition” time.
What should a typical 4-month-old baby’s nap schedule look like when nighttime sleep is going great?
A mom turns to Amalah looking for a plan to help transition her baby out of her swaddle.
A nursing mother of a seven month old, who had a challenging time in the beginning, is worried about the future, when it comes time to wean even though she is not there yet with her baby.
A young infant is a champion sleeper once she’s finally down, but sometimes she really fights it. We help a mom decode her baby’s sleep signals.
A mom needs help discerning whether her baby’s negative reaction to daycare is regular separation anxiety or something more concerning.
A reader follows-up with Amalah asking her how life looks like now raising three kids.
A first-time mom is really concerned about her four-month old’s poor falling asleep sleep habits. But is it realistically the right time to effectively tackle sleep training?
A baby who previously would fall asleep easily can now only do so in the arms of her mom and no one else. The parents are on the brink of hiring an expensive sleep trainer. Can something be done first?
Has a new study REALLY established a link between swaddling and SIDS? Let’s ignore the scary headlines and take a deeper look.
I am trying to welcome this new phase. After 20 months of breastfeeding, letting go of the latch is both hard and good.
A mom needs help deciphering why her 3 month old baby’s witching hour is particularly problematic. Is it a sleep issue or colic?
Amalah helps a mom identify her baby as a “tension increaser” and figure out an alternative to the Ferber Method as a sleep training option for their family.
Parents have the go-ahead from their pediatrician to help their baby learn to fall asleep on his own. Where should they start? With nighttime or naps?