Bottle Weaning & Dehydration in Older Babies
A mom is concerned that bottle weaning her older baby may lead to dehydration. What does dehydration look like and some strategies for more fluid consumption.
A mom is concerned that bottle weaning her older baby may lead to dehydration. What does dehydration look like and some strategies for more fluid consumption.
After a stomach bug, a young toddler refuses to drink from her sippy cup now. Her mom needs help in getting her back on track. But should she just wait longer?
A mom needs advice on whether she should be concerned about her toddler son drinking water at bedtime through a sippy cup.
Now that I can pump breastmilk successfully, how do I introduce it to my exclusively-breastfed baby?
Bottles, boobs and sippy cups, oh my!
My 14-month-old won’t give up her morning bottle without a fight. How do I get her fully weaned without going fully crazy?
How to make the bottle-to-sippy-cup transition as painless as possible.
And the crowd goes wild!!! Or, more likely, gives its mother the stink-eye because WHERE’S MY BOTTLE?
Well! Hey! You sure do have some, you know, opinions about circumcision! Don’t you! Wow! And there’s nothing wrong with that. Please don’t hurt me. And now, let’s back away slowly from all controversial parenting topics, shall we? New topic for the week: kids! Can’t…