Another Case of New Sibling Sleep Regression
What does new sibling sleep regression look like, how do you handle it, what are the pitfalls and more advice?
What does new sibling sleep regression look like, how do you handle it, what are the pitfalls and more advice?
How do you handle a toddler who is a good eater but seeking negative attention at mealtime now that there is a new sibling in the picture?
A mom has hit a potty training roadblock and needs help deciding which measure (of several good options) she should take next.
A mom needs help with potty training her toddler. But is the issue really new sibling regression?
Parents have gone back to work after their paternity and maternity leaves and are concerned that their older toddler daughter is too aggressive with her new sibling and has been generally too defiant. Is this new behavior something to be concerned about or typical given the changes at home?
An expecting mom is overwhelmed already thinking about all the big changes her family and her toddler will be going through in the recent future and as such needs advice on the timing and how to transition her toddler from a crib to a bed and starting potty training.
I believe I’ve mentioned once or twice or fourteen-dozen times that my older son became…intensely challenging in the weeks and months right after we brought his baby brother home. He was three years old, and he was AWFUL. I feel like I can call him that because 1) he’s not, anymore, and 2) because he was objectively, literally, monumentally AWFUL.