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Candy Buzz Buzz

By Melissa Summers

Halloween is finally over, and honestly, I’m exhausted. I feel like the costume decisions alone were enough to do me in. After much debate and changing of minds I ended up with two devils because why not just be the same thing as your sibling. Max, though, was a “Dare Devil,” which means he dares you to do things. Like jump off the top step of the porch! Oh ho! How devilish!

I might be getting too old for Halloween.

I’m afraid of Christmas if Halloween has wiped me out like this. It may have been the race to put together costumes, or the late night out trick-or-treating with the kids or the beers with friends after the candy gathering was over. Or maybe it was the fact that I couldn’t stop myself from eating some of my kids’ candy.

And then I remembered how much I like candy and why I don’t generally keep it in the house: The candy buzz comes with a candy headache.

We have a lot of candy at this house, more than I’m particularly comfortable with. I am honestly wishing the kids had gotten a few less delicious Butterfinger bars and more Ear Wax Candy and  Cockroach Bites. I’d have an easier time resisting those I think.

What’s on your best and worst Halloween candy lists?

Read More on Halloween Candy Here:



About the Author

Melissa Summers

Melissa Summers was a regular contributor writing Melissa’s Buzz Off.


Melissa Summers was a regular contributor writing Melissa’s Buzz Off.

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