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DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween

By Brenda Ponnay

Adorable DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween by Brenda Ponnay for

What’s that you say? Angry Birds are so passé? You might be right but my sources tell me that plenty of people are still flocking to this site for Angry Birds jack o’ lantern carving templates (from last year) and I’m all about giving the people what they want so Angry Birds masks it is! You never know, you might just need any easy Angry Birds costume in a pinch!

Here is what you will need:

DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween (supplies) by Brenda Ponnay for

1. plain white card stock that is compatible with your printer
2. inexpensive sunglasses
3. scissors
4. a sharp blade and a cutting board (optional but I strongly recommend them)*
5. masking tape (preferably the re-positional kind)

First you will need to print out your PDFs on your card stock. You can download them here:

Red Angry Bird
White Angry Bird
Yellow Angry Bird
Blue Angry Bird
and a funny Angry Pig thrown in for good measure.

DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween (step 1) by Brenda Ponnay for

Now you’re ready to cut! Your future looks bright but, adults, you might want see if the kids need help finishing up the cutting because it can get tedious after a while.

DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween (step 2) by Brenda Ponnay for

If your card stock is too thick to slightly fold and cut the inner eyeballs out with scissors, the next best thing is to exacto blade them out on a forgiving surface like a cutting board or mat. Adults, just be careful and use common sense with that sharp blade!

DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween (step 3) by Brenda Ponnay for

The beak can be a little tricky, but if you cut on the dotted gray line and fold on the dotted orange line, you’ll get the hang of it. Or you could just leave off the beaks and face paint your nose orange. Your call.

DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween (step 4) by Brenda Ponnay for

The fat white bird beak is a bit different. Just follow the directions on the PDF and you’ll get it.

DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween (step 5) by Brenda Ponnay for

Once all your beaks are cut out and folded, attach the beaks to the underside of the eyeballs in the mask. Try to wedge the beak upwards between the eyes as far as it will go easily. You might want to cut little pieces of masking tape ahead of time to save yourself some frustration. Tabs of tape always work better than unpredictable torn pieces. As you’re taping also be careful of the eyeholes. The last thing you’ll want on your mask is an errant piece of tape peeking through the eye holes.

DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween (step 6) by Brenda Ponnay for

Once all your beaks are attached you are ready to attach the glasses.

DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween (step 7) by Brenda Ponnay for

Tape your masks to your sunglasses nerd-style with a nice big piece of masking tape right over the middle of your glasses. If needed, a few pieces around the side might be helpful. Taping can be a bit fiddley but now would be a good time to let your perfectionist freak flag fly away with the wind and not worry about how neatly the tape is holding your mask to your glasses. Nobody is going to see it anyway. Just be careful of the eye-holes and you are good to go.

DIY Angry Bird Masks for Halloween by Brenda Ponnay for

And you’re done! Pop those babies on and you’re an instant Halloween Costume success!

Difficulty Level: Moderately difficult, cutting and taping requires precision and patience.
Appropriate Age levels: young adults and up, though the masks themselves would be great for kids as young as 3 or 4 to wear
* Please make sure a responsible adult is on hand for the steps involving a sharp blade.

We love you Angry Birds. We’ll take this post down if this bothers you. We’ve just made this craft because we wanted to keep the Angry Birds party going as long as possible!

Discover DIY Halloween Costumes on Alphamom:

About the Author

Brenda Ponnay

Brenda Ponnay is an author and illustrator who loves to craft and make big messes when she’s not working on her books. Whether it’s painting, baking, drawing, making castles out of card...

Brenda Ponnay is an author and illustrator who loves to craft and make big messes when she’s not working on her books. Whether it’s painting, baking, drawing, making castles out of cardboard boxes or just doing the laundry with flair, Brenda Ponnay has learned that what really makes her happy is being creative every single day.

You can read about all her crazy adventures on her personal blog: Secret Agent Josephine.

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