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T-shirt Scarf Craft for Kids! by Brenda Ponnay for

T-shirt Scarf Craft for Kids!

By Brenda Ponnay

I know some of you will look at this T-shirt Scarf and laugh because it’s probably not going to keep anybody’s neck warm on a snowy day but maybe you can keep this idea around for Spring. Here in Southern California, we think of winter as more of a fashion trend than actual weather. That means wearing a scarf and boots with shorts and a tank top is totally acceptable and possibly even cute. You know, to keep the edge off when the sun dips behind a building and the temperature drops below 75º F. We thought making a light scarf out of some old t-shirts would be super fun. Add some fuzzy pom poms and it’s high fashion according to my tweeny-bopper nine-year-old.

T-Shirt scarf tutorial
Supplies you’ll need to get started:

1. a clean t-shirt. The bigger the t-shirt, the longer and more loopy your scarf will be. We used a child’s small-sized shirt but feel free to go big and triple up!

2. sharp scissors or a rotary cutter*

3. a straight edge ruler (ours is clear but it’s there!)

4. a self-healing matte to cut on

5. fuzzy pom poms or anything else you might like to decorate with

6. hot glue gun** (or fabric glue if you have more patience to wait for it to dry)


Cutting t-shirt and adding pom poms for decoration

How-To Make a T-Shirt Scarf:

Lay your t-shirt out on your cutting surface and smooth out any wrinkles. Then using your rotary cutter and straight edge, cut off the bottom four or five inches from the t-shirt. This will be your scarf. You can save the rest of the t-shirt for another craft. I’m sure I’ll be cooking one up sooner or later.

Then we cut our strips. Feel free to get creative here. We cut small 1-inch strips but you could cut really thin strips or really fat (thicker) strips depending on your cutting skill level. You could even cut three strips and then braid them and sew it back together or do a combination of many different kinds of strips. Google “t-shirt scarf craft” and you’ll get a lot of ideas.

What makes our craft unique is the pom poms. Since we obviously like neon at my house, adding neon pom poms to an already neon orange t-shirt was a huge hit. After we cut all the strips my daughter modeled the scarf to see how she likes to best wear it. Using that as a rough reference point, we spread out the scarf on our flat surface and started gluing the pom poms where we thought they would look cute. As always, be careful with hot glue. If you opt to go the fabric glue route just make sure you allow enough time for everything to dry completely so your pom poms don’t slowly migrate off the scarf.

Girl wearing t-shirt scarf craft

Then she wrapped it around her neck twice and swears she’s wearing it to school tomorrow to show off her craftiness to all her friends. Pretty spiffy!


* Rotary cutters are very sharp. Even for adults!  Always use with caution.  My nine-year-old has been crafting since she was two (and we have stock in bandaids) so she might be a little more skilled than the usual kid.

** Hot glue can burn. Practice caution and use common sense.  Adult use only is recommended.

More T-shirt crafts to try with the kids:


About the Author

Brenda Ponnay

Brenda Ponnay is an author and illustrator who loves to craft and make big messes when she’s not working on her books. Whether it’s painting, baking, drawing, making castles out of card...

Brenda Ponnay is an author and illustrator who loves to craft and make big messes when she’s not working on her books. Whether it’s painting, baking, drawing, making castles out of cardboard boxes or just doing the laundry with flair, Brenda Ponnay has learned that what really makes her happy is being creative every single day.

You can read about all her crazy adventures on her personal blog: Secret Agent Josephine.

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