Simplifying Laundry for our Busy Family
I’m raising responsible household managers who will stand on their own two feet one day; fully capable of the daily skills. independent adults need to know.
I’m raising responsible household managers who will stand on their own two feet one day; fully capable of the daily skills. independent adults need to know.
Learning is a slow, steady, and oh, so personal process. It marks points in our kids’ maturity and lives without any interest in uniformity or really, convenience.
To say the high school goal is to graduate is much like saying one’s career goal is to be successful; both are temporal.
Many homeschooling families are not as concerned with offering their children a well-rounded education as they are with walking alongside them as they find their place in the world.
There is a misconception that homeschooling is only for the privileged few, but homeschooling is an educational option for single-income, as well as dual-income households.
Throughout this homeschooling journey, I have learned the only sure-fire way to fail is never to try at all. It is why a solid education requires a sustained effort, regardless of where that education occurs.
The most attractive asset available for homeschooling families is flexibility. Not just the freedom to change what is not working, but releasing the notion that learning, in and of itself, has a “face.”
Home educators should stretch toward the ultimate goal of grooming life-long learners who uphold the merits of full understanding over short-term memorization.
Regardless of where a child’s learning occurs, it is my experience that most parents agree about the importance of taking an active role in their child’s education.