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Five Fun Things To Do in April

Five Fun Things To Do in April

By Isabel Kallman

Even though April Fool’s Day is behind us, the month is full of holidays to celebrate. Plus, it’s now officially Spring, which for me has replaced Autumn as my favorite season. Yesterday, the birds were chirping outside my window and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling that the season had arrived.

Here are some fun activities to consider this month!

1) Spring Cleaning
There’s something so cathartic about bringing out your spring/ summer wardrobe and freshening up your closet. It inspires you to keep going and tackle the medicine cabinet or the junk draw doesn’t it? Or, is it just me? Anyhow, I’ve been reading a few posts on the web about short-cuts to cleaning and homemade cleaner recipes and I’m inspired, much like I was at the start of the new year to purge and start anew.

2) Celebrate Beverly Cleary’s Birthday on Drop Everything and Read Day (D.E.A.R.)
I vaguely remember when D.E.A.R. was founded. I think I was in the fifth or sixth grade. But what I do distinctly remember is that my elementary school required every student to read quietly for 15 minutes at exactly the same time each day. All lessons would come to a brief halt and everyone would stop to read. Oh, how I wish that were a national mandate for every US resident now.

D.E.A.R. has now turned into a holiday on April 12, which also happens to be Beverly Cleary’s birthday. As you know, Cleary is the creator of the beloved character Ramona Quimby (which is D.E.A.R.’s official spokesperson). Want to host your own D.E.A.R. event that day? The D.E.A.R. website is loaded with ideas and printables for you to produce your own event. Or, just cuddle up with your family and read for 30 minutes that day at home. Cleary would approve. Afterwards, you can stop by Ben & Jerry’s for a free ice cream cone.

3) Celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day, April 22, this year also falls on Good Friday, meaning that school may be closed for the day. How about making very pretty plantable paper with your kids that day? Makes for a nice gift for grandmas for Mother’s Day, which is around the corner.

4) Dye some Easter eggs with old silk ties
My favorite way to color Easter eggs is to dye them with old silk ties. They come out unique and beautifuuuul. Use this great Silk-Dyed Eggs tutorial at Our Best Bites.

5) Take your daughter(s) and/or sons to work
When I was a little girl, I absolutely loooved going to work with my mom. She worked at an office and the highlight was to punch away on her typewriter. I would practice my name over and over. I also loved making photocopies. By the time I was a young professional working on Wall Street, Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day had become an institution and a highlight with little ones swarming the trading floor. Mark your calendar, it’s April 28th and truly a delight for everyone involved.

Photo of bunny cookies by Juznie

About the Author

Isabel Kallman

Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.


Isabel Kallman is the founding mom of

Feel free to send nice emails to isabel[at]alphamom[dot]com.

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