EducationFree Printable Personalized Bookplates for Back-to-SchoolBy Cindy Hopper It’s back-to-school and we have some personalized bookplates you can use to make sure your kids keep track of their books in style. Best of all, they’re FREE!
Products & ServicesThe 10 Hottest Back-To-School Items for 2014By Kelcey Kintner Every school year, there are certain items that kids are just DYING for – the must-haves of the back-to-school season. We polled family and friends to find out what is hot right now. Take a look and also – tell us what your kids are loving this season.
Young ChildBack-to-School EssentialsBy Isabel Kallman Are you going all out this year or is ‘less is more’ your mantra? I share my three “essentials” for back-to-school.
HolidaysMake a Schultüte for Your Child’s First School YearBy Marie LeBaron We love the German tradition of gifting your first-grader a giant cone filled with school supplies and goodies. Learn how to make your own for back-to-school!
Products & ServicesGear Up for School With a New BackpackBy Melissa Summers Send your kids back to school with these fun (and practical) school backpacks.