Potty Training Wars: Breaking the Diaper Dependence
A parent is struggling with a potty training problem. They’re in a power struggle over their toddler’s dependence on holding onto a diaper while using the toilet.
A parent is struggling with a potty training problem. They’re in a power struggle over their toddler’s dependence on holding onto a diaper while using the toilet.
Help! I am clueless about potty training my 2-year-old son. Should he sit or stand at the toilet? How do I keep urine from spraying everywhere?
Help! My toddler is ready to potty train but thinks it’s hysterical to pee in her pants. What do we do?
Practical potty training advice for parents when one of them is challenged with a chronic illness.
Help! My toddler won’t get on the potty in the morning. I have back issues and can’t easily lift him. Do you have any advice?
Help! Why can my toddler use the potty effectively when at home and out with the family but not ready to use it at school?
My toddler is facing a potty-training deadline at daycare and both of us are stressed. What should I do?
A stressed-out mom is potty training her young toddler who is now getting very angry and fighting the process. Should they continue the potty training bootcamp or put it on hold?
My previously halfway potty-trained child has all of a sudden started having repeated accidents and is no longer responding to positive incentives. What caused this mysterious backsliding in toilet training?
What should I expect from my newly-potty-trained toddler? When should I expect the accidents to stop?
A mom needs help potty training her four and a half-year-old son. He’s halfway-there but regresses. We have some strategies to consider.
What do you do when the child is toilet-trained but just won’t go potty unless wearing a pull-up? We have some advice.
What do you do when your kid refuses to wear a pull-up to bed but is not nighttime potty-trained just yet? We have some advice.
Parents need advice on whether their nighttime potty training approach is useful, pointless or even counterproductive at this stage for their 3 years old.
A mom needs some help figuring out the type of incentive to motivate her toddler on successfully potty training. There really isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution but we have some advice.
How do you help a potty training toddler go back to sleep after he wakes in the middle of the night to poop? We share some strategies.
Should this mom stop and delay potty training her toddler since her daughter is not showing signs of readiness at home? The issue is that toilet training is going well at preschool.
A young preschooler is afraid to use the potty at preschool so Amalah gives advice on playing Parent Detective.
A toddler mom is having difficulty with the final leg of potty training her son. He can go on the potty but sometimes just doesn’t care about being in soiled underwear. It’s driving her insane. We offer a plan.
Every kid potty trains in their own time but you do need the right tools. We tell you our favorite potty seats and chairs out there, and which ones to skip.