Making a Sleep Schedule Course Correction (in Quarantine)
A mom needs help in understanding how to use the 2-3-4 sleep schedule help with her infant’s sleep deprivation.
A mom needs help in understanding how to use the 2-3-4 sleep schedule help with her infant’s sleep deprivation.
My 6-month old sleeps through the night but looking at sleep charts, I think he may not be getting enough sleep throughout the entire day and night. What should I do?
A new mom needs help getting her infant back on its regular sleep schedule especially during the day. We have some advice for a regular nap schedule.
A baby, who is an otherwise an excellent sleeper, fights her third nap of the day even though it’s clear she still needs it. Amalah provides some advice to help out during this “transition” time.
What should a typical 4-month-old baby’s nap schedule look like when nighttime sleep is going great?
A toddler is refusing to nap but clearly still needs it. Amalah thinks there’s really another common sleep issue at work here.
An expectant mom needs help sorting out her toddler’s nap schedule without too much disruption especially before the new baby arrives. Which is basically any minute now.
A mom is eager to get her family of non-morning people started with their daily routine earlier in the day. Her New Year’s resolution is not faring so well thus far and turns to Amalah for some advice.
Parents have the go-ahead from their pediatrician to help their baby learn to fall asleep on his own. Where should they start? With nighttime or naps?
A mom of three is having a very hard time deciphering her 8 month old’s sleep schedule after several months of trying. There’s no pattern and she needs help establishing a routine that is predictable for her family.
A mom of a four-month old baby needs help with starting to set a nap schedule with her daughter as well as getting her to fall asleep drowsy without nursing.
A baby is champion afternoon sleeper and still manages to sleep through the night. It’s a different schedule but is that so bad?
A mom is having a very hard time with getting her champion nighttime eight-month-old sleeper to nap during the day. Both mom and baby are miserable and cranky by day’s end. Is there a solution?
A mom is trying to keep her kids from napping in the car ride home after a busy and long day of summer activities so as not to mess up their sleep schedule. What is the most effective technique that Amalah has used with her sons?
The mom of a toddler needs sleep advice for when traveling. She has had bad experiences getting her daughter to sleep when traveling and is considering forgoing a summer trip because of it. There must be a better way. We have some advice.
A dad needs help with this baby’s sleep schedule and getting the baby to sleep in longer. The baby wakes up too early and no one (including the baby) is happy about it.
A three-and-a-half-month old champion sleeper is now waking up every two hours during the night. Is this a sleep regression and how should the parents handle it?
What is the routine, schedule, or general guidelines for when infant feeding and sleeping should happen for 12- week old babies?
A new mom wants to know whether she is setting her newborn up for terrible sleep habits later on. We breakdown what matters in infant sleep and when.
A mom or two kids (who share a room) needs advice on scheduling naps for her toddler so that it doesn’t negatively interfere with bedtime for both kids.