Delivery Room Abandonment Threat
An expectant mom has some serious familial and relationship issues that are causing her stress and leading to depression.
An expectant mom has some serious familial and relationship issues that are causing her stress and leading to depression.
Ah, the politics of the delivery room guest list. An expectant mom needs help on setting boundaries with her overbearing mother-in-law.
An expectant mom is experiencing high anxiety from the extraordinary amount of very detailed and unsolicited advice she is getting from her mother and in-laws so early in her pregnancy. She needs help setting boundaries.
What’s the etiquette on visiting family and friends at the hospital after they deliver a baby?
A first-time expectant mom needs advice on how to manage her pushy family and in-laws before, during and after labor and delivery.
My mom really, really wants to be in the room when I deliver. I really, really don’t. How can I tell her without hurting her feelings?
My parents are hurt because I don’t want to tell them when I go into labor.
I want my mom to be there during labor and delivery. My husband is all but marking his territory by peeing in the snow. Help!