Unmasked, Part II
Hi Amy, your friend turned me on to your website about a month ago and I’ve no idea how I’ve survived without it all these years. Here’s my dilemma, birth control pills have caused dark spots OVER MY TOP LIP.
And my gosh, it is so irritating. I was recommended an insanely overpriced product, I followed the instructions and 58 grams of this stuff later — NOTHING. I don’t want to spent tons of money without knowing that the product has worked for someone. I have pretty basic skin, oily forehead and nose and lately I’ve been breaking out a little more than usual and I have light scarring caused by my “taking matter into my own hands.” I know better, but I can’t help it sometimes.
Please help me,
Okay, so I usually try to stay away from the same topic two columns in a row, but I think we can all agree that Lissette’s problem is a tad on the SOS side. Pill-induced melasma. Awesome!
How to Manage Melasma
Personally, I’d go to a dermatologist before trying any more over-the-counter stuff. You need a bleaching cream, and while Sephora sells quite a few different skin-lightening products, it’s like you said: tons of money, dubious results. And I can’t really give you a personal recommendation for anything, since I’ve never used any of them. Except for this one thing my doctor prescribed in high school for a bunch of weird blood-vessel bursts on my arm (I still get them — patchy red patches up by my armpit. also known as teh SUPER HOTNESS.). He gave me samples of a prescription bleaching cream and eventually my skin returned to normal.
According to the stuff I’ve read about melasma, it can take about three months of treatment before you see results. And while nothing is 100% guaranteed to get rid of the spots completely, stuff like glycolic, kojic or azeliac acids are pretty effective. Lots of over-the-counter products contain one of these ingredients, but a prescription version will be stronger.
Also: steroids! Woo! (Topical steroids, that is.)
Oh, and can I yell at you about sunscreen for a little bit? Okay, good. Thanks. WEAR SUNSCREEN. MY LANDS. Please don’t think just because “the damage is done” or something that sunscreen isn’t that important. Those spots will get worse if you don’t protect your skin from the sun. WORSE. DO YOU SENSE THE URGENCY FROM MY OVERUSE OF CAPS LOCK?
And now one last plug for Friday’s column before I SHUT UP about it already: Philosophy makes a sunscreen with kojic acid that claims to protect and lighten skin all in one fell swoop. Does it really do that? I’ve used it, along with a whole slew of other SPF products, and will give you the straight scoop on what works (and what’s a complete waste of money) on Friday.
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