Help ProPublica and NPR Investigate Maternal Mortality
Did you know that American women are more than twice as likely to die of pregnancy and childbirth-related causes as British women, three times as likely as Canadians and six times as likely as Norwegians and Poles?
I…actually didn’t, until I received an important request on behalf of NPR and ProPublica, who are teaming up for deep-dive investigation into why so many American women die — or come close to dying — during pregnancy and childbirth. While other wealthy, modernized countries around the globe continue to see a decrease in their maternal mortality rates, the United States is rising sharply, particularly along racial lines. Black mothers are three to four times more likely to die (or nearly die) than whites.
What gives, America? What’s going on?
I’ve been asked to share the following questionnaire with you, the readers of Alpha Mom, so you can add your voices and experiences to this special project. Did you or someone you know nearly die from complications during pregnancy or childbirth? Did someone you know actually die? Please consider taking a few minutes to share your story here.