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Spring Botany Book Craft for Kids by Brenda Ponnay for #kidbotanist #botany #flowercraft #kidflowercraft #springcraftkids #kidcraft

Spring Botany Book Craft for Kids

By Brenda Ponnay

If you have any little botanists in the family you might like this book printable and kids craft. My daughter was constantly bringing me flowers, leaves, sticks and rocks whenever we would go on walks when she was little.  I decided to make her a little book that she could write about what she found. She’s outgrown that little book now but I thought I might share it here for other little outdoor enthusiasts. (Please remember that when visiting National Parks to respect the rules of “Leave What You Find” and instead to take pictures).

Spring botany book printable

Click here to print the cover.

Click here to print the inside pages.

My Spring Botany Book printed sheet


You can print as many pages as you like. You can back them up and tape them together with tape or leave the backside pages blank for more drawings.


Child writing her name on a book cover

Have your child write their name on the cover and then get outdoors to collect some leaves and flowers.

A child filling out pages of a book

You can choose to tape leaves and flowers directly onto the pages (better for short term) or draw them. We chose to do both so that we could go home and research each plant and fill in more information on the pages and then remove the leaves and flowers later so they don’t go moldy or anything.

A child taping flowers to pages of a book

Whether you are into writing down each plant’s scientific genus and family or if you just feel like making up names for each, it’s up to you. You can make this as fun as you want to. The important part is just getting outside and enjoying nature when it is so pretty!

More Ideas for Outdoor Fun:

About the Author

Brenda Ponnay

Brenda Ponnay is an author and illustrator who loves to craft and make big messes when she’s not working on her books. Whether it’s painting, baking, drawing, making castles out of card...

Brenda Ponnay is an author and illustrator who loves to craft and make big messes when she’s not working on her books. Whether it’s painting, baking, drawing, making castles out of cardboard boxes or just doing the laundry with flair, Brenda Ponnay has learned that what really makes her happy is being creative every single day.

You can read about all her crazy adventures on her personal blog: Secret Agent Josephine.

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