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"Things I Love About You, Dad" Father's Day Illustration Guide by Brenda Ponnay for #HandmadeFathersDay #FathersDayGift #KidsCraft #HandmadeKidsGifts #KidGiftsForDad #KidGifttoFather

“Things I Love About You, Dad” Father’s Day Worksheet

By Brenda Ponnay

If you are an illustrator you probably don’t need a worksheet but most people aren’t illustrators (or maybe you’re a lazy illustrator– ha!) and so I made one and I hope all will enjoy and use to gift the dads in your life for Father’s Day!

Supplies for Father's Day Illustration Guide

Click here for Father’s Day printable worksheet. 

Kids love to draw. So, we thought it would be cool to let them make illustrations showing Dad all the things they love about him. Coming up with nine little drawings might be a challenge but it’s a good one, we think!

Child drawing

Whether you like to draw with pencil and color with colored pencils or crayon or even break out the watercolors, it’s a fun exercise for all ages. I even painted one for my dad! In hindsight I should have printed the worksheet on card stock but I know my dad won’t mind a few wrinkles.

Things I love about you Dad coloring sheet

My daughter kept hers a little neater with colored pencils:

Illustration guide colored in by child for Father's Day

Hope you enjoy the process and Dad enjoys his Father’s Day gift and the finished masterpiece!

More Father’s Day Gift And Card Ideas:


Great Father's Day Gifts that kids can help make: click through for the tutorials (found on

About the Author

Brenda Ponnay

Brenda Ponnay is an author and illustrator who loves to craft and make big messes when she’s not working on her books. Whether it’s painting, baking, drawing, making castles out of card...

Brenda Ponnay is an author and illustrator who loves to craft and make big messes when she’s not working on her books. Whether it’s painting, baking, drawing, making castles out of cardboard boxes or just doing the laundry with flair, Brenda Ponnay has learned that what really makes her happy is being creative every single day.

You can read about all her crazy adventures on her personal blog: Secret Agent Josephine.

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