Pink Fluffy Unicorn Valentine Printable for Kids!
Maybe you’ve heard the Pink Fluffy Unicorn song? If you haven’t you might want to take a moment and appreciate the peace and quiet in your head before you click on that link and melt your brain with the latest earworm that’s circulating on the internet. If you are already familiar with this song, you’ll probably appreciate these very special Pink Fluffy Unicorn Valentines that my kids requested this year to share with their friends and classmates.
But that unicorn is green, you say? Yes, welcome to my world. They wanted pink unicorns AND green unicorns because green is so much cooler than pink, right? Whatever. I’m just happy to oblige. And even though I love to hate this song, it has been a pretty funny ongoing joke amongst my girls and their friends and even I have to smile when I hear it now.
Whenever anybody is in a bad mood around here, somebody will invariably start singing it to the other and before long, eye-rolls and sullenness will have evaporated into crazy songs about unicorns dancing on rainbows. The song is infectious and silly and perfect for nine and ten-year olds and maybe sometimes forty-three-year-olds, too.
Because after all, aren’t we all as special as pink fluffy unicorns?
Click to print these Pink (and green) Fluffy Unicorn Valentines !
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