Halloween Headbands: Easiest DIY Costume Idea Ever!
Are you feeling a little less than enthused about making your kid’s Halloween costume this year but you’re not quite ready to shell out the dough for something store bought? I have the perfect solution: Halloween Headbands! They’re good for boys or girls and with a few simple steps you can transform your child’s head into almost any kind of animal! Just add clothes in a matching color and you have an instant costume!
It started because I was hunting around on the internet for a way to make cat ears for my daughter’s Halloween costume and I came across a video for how to make cat ears. We quickly found some felt, a spare headband and hot glued them together. Little did I know my daughter would proceed to wear that headband for two months straight. In fact she’s still wearing it and it’s going strong.
I thought, why stop at cat ears? We could probably use this idea to create any animal headbands. So we did. And you can too!
Supplies you will need:
- Inexpensive headbands (you can usually find these in the dollar bin of your local big box or discount store, if not there check a beauty supply store or swap meet)
- Felt in various animal colors
- Fabric scissors
- A hot glue gun*
In the picture above, we feature a black leotard but that is because I started out this craft intending to show you how to make a cat costume. Leotards are great for costumes and you could use one for any of these animals but if you don’t have the time or money to find or order a leotard in the right color, just have your child dress in all black for a black cat or all green for a frog and so on…
*This craft is intended for a responsible adult who can handle a hot glue gun and sharp scissors. If you are not a responsible adult, please put down any sharp or hot objects and call for someone who is.
Now lets get started on the craft!
Take your felt that you will be using to create ears and fold it over so that your ear height is about two or three inches. What is important in this step is that you create the ear just a tiny bit longer than you would normally draw it. This allows the ear (or eye!) to stick out just a little bit better above your child’s hair.
With the doubled over piece cut your ear shape, like so.
Here are some quick ear shapes if you need something for reference.
Once you have your ear shapes cut out, unfold them and position the headband so that it is in the center of the ear.
Add hot glue to one side and then fold the ear over the headband and secure evenly to the other side of the ear. Be careful of that hot glue! It can burn! If you are shy about using a hot glue gun you can use fabric glue as well just allow for drying time. I personally prefer hot glue because it seals quickly and effectively.
And you’re done! It’s as easy as that. If you have a lot of headbands and felt left over you might find yourself creating a whole menagerie! It’s just that easy.
You can even create a princess tiara with this method by cutting a crown shape (don’t forget to double it up) and gluing it onto the headband sideways. Add embellishments and you’re done! This headband is worn on top of your child’s head instead of behind the ears like normal headbands. But it works fantastically!
Now just add child with imagination and you’re done! Who needs to buy a costume when making one is so much fun!
P.S. Adding noses and/or whiskers with a washable marker works great and is so much easier to clean up than face make up.
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- Easy Super Hero Tank Tops for Halloween
- Embellish Your Witch’s Hat
- Easy No Sew DIY Costumes for Halloween