DIY Easter Egg Crowns!
When I am trying to think up Easter crafts I’m usually trying to think of something we can use to make an Easter egg. Well, what if we used Easter eggs to make something else? They’re plastic, they’re inexpensive and they’re pretty easy to work with. Why didn’t I think of this before!
How about an Easter Egg wreath crown? That should be pretty simple.
Supplies Needed:
• some plastic Easter Eggs that pop open in the middle
• 1 yard of craft yarn
• flowers and chenille stems for embellishment (optional)
• a hot glue gun* (optional)
Take your yarn and lay it straight. Open the eggs and close them over the yarn, keeping the yarn taught in the middle. Add your eggs one by one keeping them as close together as possible. When you’ve filled up your piece of yarn try it on for size.
Add an egg or take one off until it fits just right on your head. Tie with a bow or knot and pop another egg over top to cover your knot.
If you’re handy with a glue gun (and you’re a responsible adult) you can glue your eggs together to make them more secure. This step is not necessary but helpful if your crown-wearer tends to jump and around and get crazy. And if you’re handy with a glue gun you can also add some pretty flowers to make your wreath even more springy. Add some springy chenille stems by coiling them around a pencil for shape and then simply bending one end around your wreath. When you’re done you’ll have something pretty enough for your head or your front door!
Now wear and plot your hostile takeover of the Easter Egg Hunt.
If that wasn’t enough fun for you, we’ve got another version.
I like to call it the Whirly Easter Jester Crown.
All you’ll need is a 22-inch wide piece of poster board (or construction paper taped together). You just need it big enough to wrap around your child’s head. The height of the crown is up to you. We decided to go big. Cut triangles out of your paper like the pattern above, then staple together and pop the eggs onto the dangling crown points.
Attach to child’s head with some secure clippies or bobby pins and give it a spin!
*As always please, use a hot glue gun responsibly. This step is not for children.