DIY Pet Rocks
When I was little, Pet Rocks were the rage. I decided to introduce my daughter to this craze and it was a huge hit! She loved creating new pets. Meet her new frog. I loved that she painted a log for her frog and even a lily pad.
Search your yard for smooth rocks or pick some up at your local craft store like we did. Also be sure to pick up some Elmer’s Painters Paint Pens.
I love these Elmer’s Painters. They are a no-mess way to paint. The medium and fine tips allow a child make small details with paint with great success! They are also versatile. They paint on wood, metal, ceramic, plastic and fabric……….and rocks! (they are non-toxic but please be sure to use outside or in a well-ventilated area.)
Now let your child create some new friends!
Bella decided her frog needed a duck friend!
These Elmer’s paint pens have become our go-to craft supply this summer. We have made wooden play figures for our sand castle and even personalized a bbq spatula for dad.
Find More Kids’ Crafts Here: